28 December 2014

The last days of 2014

2015 is less than a week away...
...and 2014 is coming to an end

2014 has been a great year for me just like 2013 and I really want 2015 to be just as great. I have friends from last year finally coming to High School with me and I think that 2015 will be kind of like 2013 but with 2 or 3 people missing from our strong group of 6. 
With 2014 coming to an end we should make the most of the last days. Make 2014 a great year!

If 2014 was a bad year for you, just remember that 2015 is almost here and that it can be a fresh start for you especially if you are just starting Intermediate/Middle School or High School. There will be opportunities to meet new people and new friends. Join some new clubs or activities because you might find some new friends through those groups. If it was a really bad year and your not sure if you can make 2015 a good year, I am happy to help, you can contact me and I will be willing to give you some help. 

If any of you are nervous for High School or Intermediate, I'm just going to tell you something.
Don't be scared, it really isn't as scary as it seems. I think some people make it seem scarier than it actually is but it is nothing to be worried about. I don't know how different NZ high schools are from high schools around the rest of the world but I'll assume they aren't too different.

27 December 2014


I got a new phone for Christmas so that means I was able to put my personal kik on my new phone and make a channel kik for on my old phone so that is exactly what I've done. So I made a channel kik!!! I really hope that you girls will also message me and I'm hoping that maybe I will get more requests because of it. I decided to leave a list of ways to contact me below.

Blog - kiwigirlhelp.blogspot.com
Email - kiwigirlhelp@gmail.com
Instagram - KiwiGirlHelp
Kik - kiwigirlhelp
LibraGirl - KiwiGirlHelp
Youtube - KiwiGirlHelp

If you message me on kik just say Hi and we can talk.

25 December 2014

Merry Christmas

This year has gone so quickly and it's already Christmas!
I wish you all a safe and happy Christmas, I'm sorry I couldn't do a giveaway for Christmas but I might try and do one for next year for back to school. Let me know how your Christmas goes and I may even think about doing a haul video.


24 December 2014

A quick Christmas Eve message

I hope you all have a safe and happy Christmas or whatever you celebrate or if you don't celebrate Christmas or anything else then have a great day.

Just remember that you may not always get what you want but that isn't the point. Make sure you have a great day spending time with your family and just enjoy the day. It is better to give than to receive so why not give someone something special this Christmas to share the Christmas love.

I am thinking about doing a Christmas haul so I hope you enjoy that. Some other videos I am thinking about making are a Christmas Eve Night Routine, A Christmas Morning Routine and maybe a Christmas Day vlog so I hope that you will enjoy those if I do get around to making them. Would you girls like to see another channel for more personal stuff or are you ok with these sorts of videos on my usual channel.

One thing that you can hope to see after Christmas is a channel kik because I had to do a bit or Christmas shopping with my dad today and I had to pick out a new phone for part of my Christmas present so hopefully I will be able to create a kik for my youtube channel on my soon to be old phone.

Merry Christmas to you all and I hope you had a fabulous year.


23 December 2014

1 Year on Youtube!!!

Exactly 1 year from the time this post was posted, I uploaded my first video on my channel. Sure it may have only been a channel introduction but it was still the first video I ever uploaded. I cant' believe how quickly the time has gone. I know my uploading wasn't always consistent and I didn't upload for like 3 months earlier this year but I'm glad I am still here uploading videos on this channel. It feels great knowing that I am helping others through my channel.

Some Highlights from the last year

I know 50 subscribers may not seem like a lot if you have a bigger subscriber family or don't have a channel at all but when I reached 50 subscribers in September I was really happy. I reached 25 subs within a month of starting my channel so I was kinda expecting to reach 57 a bit sooner then I did but it doesn't matter because at least I know that I am helping a bunch of girls from all over the world

Warm Fuzzies
You may remember the original song I wrote for Claudia from Periods Puberty. Well whilst reading the blog post she posted where she mentioned me, I was trying to hold back tears of happiness because of all the warm fuzzies inside. I felt so amazing knowing that I had helped her and yeah. It just makes you feel so great inside.

Editing Skills
This whole experience has helped me with editing and I also have discovered that I quite like filming and editing videos and stuff.

What can you expect for my second year?
Well I am hoping to organise a filming and uploading schedule so that should hopefully be one of the first things you can expect to see for my second year on youtube. I am also hoping to plan a giveaway for this next year but am waiting until I have enough NZ and maybe some Aussie subscribers if I do an NZ and Aussie giveaway although it'll probably just be NZ. I am also hoping to ask my mum about AMPs (Alternative Menstrual Products) but don't count on it because I am not that close to my mum but if my mum ever mentions periods I am going to hopefully try and bring up the subject of AMPs. More frequent videos and maybe some videos with one of my friends because she is open about periods and stuff but I am still deciding whether or not to tell her about my channel.

Let's make this next year the best we can! Remember to give me feedback/feedfoward (What is good and what could be improved/changed) and request videos!


18 December 2014

Last Minute Christmas Gifts

Christmas is approaching fast and is only a week away. You've forgotten to get someone something and you don't have a lot of money. You're stuck for ideas and don't know what to do. Well here I am, ready to help you. These ideas range in price but I tried to keep it less than $10.

My first idea is...
A sugar scrub, I attempted to make a sugar scrub last year but it didn't turn out well so why don't you try making one for someone special. They are easy to make and don't require much depending on the recipe you use. Just search diy sugar scrub and I'm sure you'll find one. Why don't you make a Christmas themed one and crush up some candy canes to mix through it. Be careful using cocoa powder because it may make your skin go brown like the cocoa but maybe try experimenting and see if you can make one that gives a slight tan that looks natural. For presentation put it in a nice jar and put some patterned paper around the jar and a cute label that says what it is. You could also make a cute tag that has a cute or cheesy message on it like "'tis sweet just like you". (that's not a good one but I'm not good with that sort of thing).

Idea #2
Make a cute scrapbook. This is more of a thing for your friends but I think it would be neat but only have you have a lot of photos of you together.

Idea #3
Hot Chocolate Kit, get a cute mug and your/their favourite hot chocolate. You could also fill the mug with mini marshmallows (This is probably more of a christmas gift idea for my viewers in the northern hemisphere because it's Summer here in the southern hemisphere)

Idea #4
Decorate a frame and put a picture of you and the person it is for in it. You could get a plain white frame and paint it with nail polishes and maybe glue on some gems or glitter and stuff like that.

Idea #5
Decorate a clear or plain white photo case by using nail polishes. Make sure the case is the right one for the phone they have. Make sure to use a clear top coat to seal the polish

Idea #6
Make a cute little book/notebook and on each page write something you love about that person.

Idea #7
Make a cute little basket of homemade treats like slices and shortbread etc.

Idea #8
Make some little coupons which would be a good idea for parents with things like foot massages and chores etc.

Anyway, Thanks,

14 December 2014


I am thinking about doing an advice column type thing either fortnightly or monthly next year so if you have any questions that would be good for an advice column or just any questions you want answers to then send them to me via

- kiwigirlhelp@gmail.com (email)
- kiwigirlhelp (youtube)
- KiwiGirlHelp (libragirl.com)
 or comment on this post.

13 December 2014

The perks of having small boobs

My friend who is a 12D (I'm a 10B) is jealous of the fact I have small boobs and told me some of the reasons why so I decided to make a post sharing the perks of having small boobs.
It seems that girls always want what they don't have. Girls with small boobs usually want bigger boobs and girls who have big boobs usually want smaller boobs but we have to learn to accept what we have. Since I have small boobs I can't exactly do a perks of having big boobs post because I haven't experienced it but here is a post to hopefully help you smaller chested girls to accept who you are and what you look like.

Perk #1
-It isn't as uncomfortable to sleep on your stomach.
Compared to bigger chested girls it isn't as uncomfortable to sleep on your stomach, although it can get uncomfortable after long periods of time it isn't as bad.

Perk #2
-You can get away without wearing a bra more than bigger breasted girls. While you may feel more comfortable wearing a bra, you can get away without wearing a bra. You can also get away with wearing training bras and other bras without under wire because you don't need as much support.

Perk #3
-They don't hurt as much especially if they aren't tender at the time or still growing.

That is just 3 perks of having small boobs, I do have more so I might do a part 2 in a month or so.
I hope you enjoyed, if you have bigger boobs be sure to let me know the perks of having big boobs.


12 December 2014


AMPs (Alternative Menstrual Products) may seem like a gross strange thing at first for most but once you allow yourself to accept the concept they may seem like a great idea. I always thought they were an interesting idea that I was keen to try, I remember looking for crafts when I was about 9 or 10 and came across a cloth pad tutorial. I remembered them again near the end of last year when I got my first period and found a whole community of youtubers who talk about periods and other girl stuff. I made some patterns and tried putting water on fabrics to see what seemed absorbent but didn't really go anywhere from there. After finding Preciousstarspads on youtube sometime this year (not sure when exactly) that I seriously started thinking about it. I started sewing some of my own cloth pads in about August or so. I have since found more youtubers that make videos on cloth pads such as Period Attire and the first door on the left.

AMPs aren't gross and from the cloth liners I've made and tried I can tell you that you should consider trying them because they are really comfortable. If you have any questions about AMPs you could ask Preciousstarspads or any other youtuber who makes videos about cloth pads. I will try to get some reviews up soon but would like to try them for a second month before reviewing. My period is due on around the 17th so hopefully there will be some reviews soon.


15 November 2014

Small Boobs...

This year I've dealt with both girls in my group of friends and the occasional guy saying I have no boobs or saying stuff like how would you know, you have no boobs. After watching a video by SaphiraFashion yesterday morning (linked above). I know that one of my friends who is like a 12D cup (I'm a 10B, sorry if this is TMI for you) is really jealous of my small boobs because she finds her boobs annoying because they get in the way and all the guys stare. Anyway, the other day my friends were talking about no being able to lie on their stomachs and stuff, so I said "Yeah that is true."
One of them who isn't really my friend then said "What do you know, you have no boobs." I was really annoyed and my friend (the one I mentioned earlier) then walked off with me to the school canteen so she could buy something.

In my class we are all able to contact each other via this messaging thing and I am always willing to talk to pretty much whoever is online so one of the guys in my class messaged me. So I obviously replied because I really do like talking to people so yeah... I honestly don't know how we got to bras and stuff but he said something like "Oh, so and so is always looking at (my friend's boobs)."
I said something like yeah.
He then replied saying something along the lines of "Aren't you glad you don't have any boobs."
This was yesterday evening which was the evening after watching the video so I replied saying, "It's not that I don't have any boobs, it is just that I have smaller boobs than a lot of the girls in our class and I still have to deal with some of the problems such as not being able to lie on my stomach and having wires that occasionally jab into me (in the middle)."
I can't really remember the rest but that is just a small snippet of what he said to me and my replies.

But yeah, majority of girls at the age of 14 wear bras and have boobs. So just because a girl has small boobs it doesn't mean they aren't there. So if you also have small boobs and someone tells you that you have no boobs then Stand up for yourself. Just remember that there are girls out there that wish they had smaller boobs so be happy with what you have and don't let anyone get to you and just overall remember to stand up for yourself. You still have to deal with some of the problems that every other girl with boobs have but it just may not be as bad for you. Also, just remember, if a guy doesn't like you because of your boob size then they aren't right for you. Another thing, if you are with a guy who has expectations to do with your boob size and they don't actually like you for who you are as a person then they also aren't right for you.

18 October 2014

Helping out others

I wrote a song last month for Claudia from Periods Puberty and it was uploaded on the 20th of September. It was called "Take a Stand" and was basically about standing up for yourself and knowing that what you are doing is right. The lyrics are pretty much specific to Claudia from Periods Puberty though because I said 'over 1000 girls that you've helped'. It is a great feeling to know that a song that I wrote has made another person so happy and reminded them that they have support from a large group of people. It makes me feel amazing and I feel so good knowing I've done something like this to help someone out. I would really like to upload some more singing videos onto my channel so I hope that I will be able to record my voice for some other covers. This has helped me to realise even more that singing is one of my loves and that I would like a career in the music industry.


03 October 2014

#HolidayBoredomBusters - 4

School Holiday time for me again (2 weeks, since Monday) so that means...
More Boredom Busters for you...

Idea #11 - Re-Decorate your Room
Re-Decorating your room for Spring! Add some bright colours and transform your room into a lovely meadow with flowers and pictures of cute baby animals. If you are in the Northern hemisphere where it is Autumn (fall) then why not go with a Halloween theme. Just change it up every once in a while.

Idea #12 - Clean your Room
I know, I know, cleaning your room can be boring but it will help you out next term because if everything is organised then you will probably be able to focus better and not be worried about trying to find your homework a minute before you have to run out the door.

Idea #13 - Backyard Camping
Now that the weather is starting to warm up it may be time for some backyard camping with a friend or 2. Just make sure you have a bunch of blankets so you don't get too cold. If the weather in your area is a bit chilly then why not set up a tent in your lounge or bedroom (if it's big enough). It could be a super fun night with your bestie/s.

Idea #14 - Do some jobs
Need a little extra cash then why not help out some family and family friends but doing some jobs for them. You could maybe charge $5 an hour and just do whatever jobs they can find for you to do.

Idea #15 - Try a new hobby
Why not try a new hobby? Ever wanted to play the piano or keyboard? Well, why not visit a family member or friend who has one and knows how to play so that they can teach you the basics.

02 October 2014

Cloth Pads

I made a bunch of cloth pads a couple of months ago and I finally got my period again so I was thinking of trying them while I'm on my period for the first time this month. I have used my cloth liners before and quite liked them but would like to try them on my actual period this month so I might have a cloth first impressions video coming soon or maybe a blog post so keep an eye out for that. I'll let you know what I think.


Period Vlog!

Hey Girls, I got my period again today and since it is the school holidays that means I can make a Vlog! I just filmed the first clip for today's vlog so hopefully that video will be up tomorrow morning or maybe at the end of my period depending on if I decide to do daily vlogs or 1 vlog for my whole period. I really like making vlogs but only have vlogs from my January which is also a period vlog. I was thinking for maybe the Christmas holidays this year I could film a vlog as part of my 1 year anniversary. Sound like a good idea?


20 September 2014

Take a Stand!

I just uploaded a video this morning and it was an original song called "Take a Stand".
I wrote it because Claudia from periods puberty is going through a bit of a tough time so I decided to write a song which will hopefully help her out and cheer her up and remind her that she has helped out over 1000 girls. Here is the video so that you can check out the song for yourself.

08 September 2014

My Fave Disposable Products

Hi Girls!
Today I have decided to share my favourite disposable products with you. Now my period has been irregular lately so I haven't used any of the pads listed below for a while so yeah...

Let's get my list of favourites started...

Thin Liner - U by Kotex Sport Liners and Carefree Barely There Liners
Thick Liner - U by Kotex Protect Liners and Always Dailies Liners
Light Pad - Stayfree Light Pads
Regular Pad - Libra Girl Regular Pads
Super Pad - Libra Invisible Super Pads
Overnight Pad - I don't use overnight pads since I have an extremely light flow overnight
Tampon - I have never used a tampon so there are none for this.

If you want reviews or absorbency tests on any of these, just request it.


06 September 2014

Grab and Go Period Kits

 Just about to upload a video for 3 Grab and Go Period Kits, 1 for a Pad User, 1 for a Tampon User and 1 for a Pad and Tampon User.
 I hope that the video will be useful. 
Here is the video so that you can watch it.

Also, I would really like some ideas for Blog Posts as I don't really know what you would like to see.

01 September 2014

Schools should inform girls about all Menstrual Protection Options

Hello, today I have a personal opinion of mine and want to hear what you girls think about this topic.

Schools should inform girls about all Menstrual protection options

Do you agree or disagree with the statement above? Comment telling me your opinion on the topic. I agree with the above statement and have some reasons so I have decided to share them with you today.

1. If students are only informed about disposable products, they probably will not discover the world of alternative menstrual products until much later on, because let's face it, a lot of teenagers these days are uncomfortable talking about periods. Teenagers probably won't be searching for other menstrual protection options either because they were only ever taught about Disposables so they may think that these are the only options when it comes to dealing with Periods.

2. If students are only informed about disposables, then they are going to be adding to the landfills along with all the other females using disposable menstrual products. Imagine all of the pads, tampons and applicators getting thrown into the landfill each year. It would be a lot wouldn't it... Due to the plastic backings on pads, it will mean that they will take quite a while to break down, hundreds of years even. Now that is a long time. If girls were introduced to cloth pads and other reusable menstrual products then there will surely be a few of them willing to give them a go and if they were to recommend them to friends and female relatives then that could help reduce the number of pads, tampons and applicators going into the landfill each year. Of course not every girl or woman is going to be happy to use reusable products but then again, not every girl or woman is going to like using disposables but if reusable products are to become more well known then we can help reduce the number going into landfills.

3. As I said before, not every girl is going to like using disposables so great, inform them about reusable products such as cloth pads and cups. They will eventually find a product that they like and are comfortable using. If girls have bad cramps they should be taught that cloth and other reusable products have been known to reduce cramping and can shorten and lighten periods. While it doesn't happen to everyone, they should still know that it can sometimes do that. 

Today, I shared only 3 points/ideas but I could probably find more but I think I've said enough for now so I hope that I have got you thinking about this. 


31 August 2014

Cloth Pads Series Idea

Hi Girls,

I started making some of my own cloth pads about 1 and a half months ago. I am thinking of starting a Cloth Pads video series on my Youtube channel and also some posts on here. I hope that the posts will inform you about Cloth Pads and maybe Menstrual Cups as well.

Here is a list of my ideas for either posts, videos or possibly even both.
- An Introduction to Cloth Pads (all about them and stuff)
- My Cloth Pad Stash (made by me, since they are the only ones I have)
- What you need to consider when purchasing?
- Cloth vs. Disposable Absorbency Test
- Cloth vs. Disposable pros and cons
- How to make Cloth Pads
- Using Cloth Pads at school
- Using Cloth Pads at sleepovers
- Talking to friends about cloth pads
- Puberty Kit (using cloth and other reusable products)

If you have any other ideas, just let me know. You can comment on here, my channel, via email (kiwigirlhelp@gmail.com) or on LibraGirl.


23 August 2014

Period Kit for a Friend

Here is a period kit for a friend who has just got her first period and doesn't want to tell her mum.
First of all, tell her that the best thing to do is to let her mum know or at least ask her mum to buy some pads for when she needs them. Also, just remember you don't have to give her anything but it's very nice of you to give her some stuff.
You shouldn't have to give her a whole lot of stuff, just enough to last 2 or 3 days which should give her enough time to gain the courage to talk to her mum.

Here is a list of things you should think about (I stated that somethings were optional but everything on the list is optional)

- Regular Pads (I would suggest about 8 pads and possibly in a variety of different kinds so that she can find out what ones she likes best.)
- Overnight Pads (I would suggest 1 or 2 overnight pads which should be plenty since her flow probably isn't very heavy.)
- Sanitary Bags (these are optional but may be helpful if she doesn't want her mum to know)
- Wipes (these are also optional but you can include them if you would like to)
- Liners (optional, but they may be helpful during the last days of her period or if she experiences spotting between now and her next period)
- Tampons (these may be useful if she goes swimming or something because if she doesn't want to tell her mum then she kind of has to if she doesn't have any tampons and goes swimming)
- Information Booklets (Tampon instruction booklets or information booklets on periods may also be useful for her)

Hope this helps,

16 August 2014

School Attitudes

The other day after my friend said "I wish I liked school like you do" and it got me thinking. How can you make yourself be more interested in school and how you can like it more?
The biggest change is probably going to be your attitude, if you have a negative attitude towards school, are you going to like it? Probably not. So why not change that negative attitude into a positive attitude like mine?

I like school because I love to learn and absorb as many facts as I can. Kind of like a sponge.
Anyway, for those of you out there who hate school...
Ask yourself why you hate school, and don't say it's boring because it isn't exactly a proper reason. Maybe it's only boring because you aren't paying attention, or because you aren't actually giving it your all, or you could just be making it boring for yourself by saying it is boring. Why can't you change that, when you could be making it interesting! Use coloured pens and make your notes as colourful as you would like. Highlight important things and add a layer of brightness to help make it more interesting for you. Not into bright colours? You can use colours you are comfortable with even if it is only 2 or 3 and make them into some sort of colour scheme to help keep your notes organised, which will make it easier for you to study.

If you don't like school because you are being bullied or something similar then sort the bullying out and make school more enjoyable. If you are having trouble with bullying, email me (Kiwigirlhelp@gmail.com) and I will try to help you out to the best of my ability.The best thing though is to let people know by telling a trusted adult or a friend who isn't involved. I would suggest doing something you love to help express the emotions you are experiencing (I think music and writing are great ways).

If you don't like school for another reason, let me know what it is in the comments section and I will see if I can help you change your attitude.


08 August 2014

AMPS (Alternative Menstrual Products)

Hi Girls,
I remember finding a tutorial for cloth pads when I was younger (11-12) and I found it by looking for crafts and I rediscovered them last year but it wasn't until now that I've really considered trying them out.
I have sewn some of my own so look out for a stash and I might also do a video on making cloth pads so keep an eye out for them.

I might also be doing a series on cloth pads such as pros and cons, fabrics, absorbencies etc.

Please request videos!

21 July 2014

The Crushin' on ______ Tag

So, I wanted to create my own tag that kind of fits in with my channel so since I had a boys theme/topic a while ago I thought that this would nicely in with my channel so let's get started. I will hopefully make a video soon but for now it's just the questions and answers. I will also include the full list of Questions at the end. This is a tag with 18 questions and I tag all of you. If you do this tag share your video or just answer the questions in the comment section. It would mean so much to me. Thanks!

First Crush Section
1. How old were you when you had your first crush? I was really young, I think I would been around 6 or 7 but it wasn't a serious crush just a little kid one, My first what I would call actual crush was when I was 11.
2. Did your first crush know you liked him? My first actual crush (11) found out I liked him about 4 or so months after I started crushing on him.
3. If yes; How did they find out? He found out because I kept asking to dance with him at our school dance so I thought I would just admit it.
4. Did they like you back? No, he didn't like me back but we were kind of friends so it was all good.
5. Do you still know the person? He goes to a different school but we sometimes keep in touch via email so yeah.

Random Section
1. How many crushes have you had? I have had 5 actual crushes since I was 11 (I am now 14)
2. How many of those crushes have ever liked you back? None, well, at least I'm pretty sure none of them have ever liked me back.
3. Looking back, where any of them horrible to you? Yeah, the boy I liked last year hated me and he was really nasty at times but I got over him pretty soon.
4. Do you wish that you never liked any of them? Yeah, I wish I didn't like the boy I liked last year.
5. Did any of your crushes ever turn into anything more than a crush? No but I don't really mind, it just means I haven't found the right boy yet.
6. If you have had multiple crushes why did you stop liking the previous boys? Well, most of them ended up going to a different school or I kind of just grew apart from them.
7. What traits do you look for in a boy? A kind personality and someone that can make me laugh. Someone that brings out the best in me and makes me smile.

Current Crush
1. Does your current crush know that you like him? No, I haven't told anyone who I currently like so I'm pretty sure he has no idea.
2. Do you know if he likes you back? No, I don't know... yet. I am on the lookout for signs and hopefully when I tell my bestie she will be able to help out too.
3. Are you friends? Yes we are friends... I guess. I mean he is in one of my groups of friends but I think we could be a bit closer than we currently are.
4. What do you like about them? He is really nice, and he makes me laugh/smile. He also has some similar interests to me so I think we get along quite well together.
5. How did you meet them? He's in my class at school and I kinda of just met him I guess. ?
6. Best Moment with your current crush? Well, he was away for the first couple of lessons in one of our optional classes so I got to help him with the stuff we had learnt while he was away which meant I got to sit next to him and I will probably end up sitting next to him most times in that class since he is a bit behind and I like to help people as you girls know.

The Questions
First Crush Section
1. How old were you when you had your first crush?
2. Did your first crush know you liked him?
3. If yes; How did they find out?
4. Did they like you back?
5. Do you still know the person?
Random Section
1. How many crushes have you had?
2. How many of those crushes have ever liked you back?
3. Looking back, where any of them horrible to you?
4. Do you wish that you never liked any of them?
5. Did any of your crushes ever turn into anything more than a crush?
6. If you have had multiple crushes why did you stop liking the previous boys?
7. What traits do you look for in a boy?
Current Crush Section
1. Does your current crush know that you like him?
2. Do you know if he likes you back?
3. Are you friends?
4. What do you like about them?
5. How did you meet them?
6. Best Moment with your current crush?

11 July 2014

#HolidayBoredomBusters - 3

I now have another Boredom Busting activities for you to do these holidays.

Idea #10 - Movie Marathon

Now this is probably my best idea as I have a lot of ideas for this idea and today I am sharing one of my theme ideas with you to really jazz up your amazing movie marathon.

The first theme idea is fabulous if the weather where you live these Chilly winter school holidays isn't so chilly and you don't see snow often because this theme will totally transform your lounge into a Winter Wonderland.

1. Don't forget to invite your friends with some super cute snowflake invitations. I will hopefully get a tutorial up shortly after this is posted so that way you can see how I made mine. I think that wearing pajamas would totally add to the winter wonderland theme.

2. Decorate! I am planning on doing another post on Redecorating your room for a not so Snowy New Zealand Winter so keep an eye out on that for decoration ideas.

3. Catering! Don't forget the cute foods. The possibilities for food are endless and all you need is a great imagination.
My catering ideas are
- If the weather is cold outside go with Hot Chocolates to drink (you could even make some fancy hot chocolate stir stick things, I came across them the other day on google and they look cute so why not try making some)
- If the weather outside is hot then make Iced Chocolates instead of Hot chocolates to help keep you cool on the hot day.
- Snowmen Cupcakes (Regular Cupcakes, iced with white icing, sprinkled with coconut and then use marshmallows and any other things you can find to make cute little snowmen to sit on top of the cakes)
- Make cake pops dunked in white chocolate and coconut to resemble snowballs
- You could also try making some snowflake shaped biscuits or snowflake shaped anything.
- What about? Penguin shaped foods! Penguin shaped biscuits or anything penguin shaped.
- What other shapes could you use? You could make snowy owls or tree shaped biscuits or something and use icing sugar to dust on the tops to look like snow.

4. Movies! Find a bunch of wintery movies. I would suggest Frozen and Cloud 9 but you could totally watch any movies you wish.

Hope these ideas help you to host a Winter Wonderland themed movie marathon.


09 July 2014

#HolidayBoredomBusters - 2

I hope you liked my last Boredom Busters and now I'm coming back with some more and I hope you like these ones just as much.

Idea # 5 - Have a Fun Competition with Friends
Spend a morning or afternoon with your friends having a bit of friendly competition. Why not try a Bake Off, a Cook Off, a Loom Off, a Craft off or any other kind of competition. Have your parents and/or siblings judge the creations. It could be judged on a bunch of things, such as best tasting, best looking, who can make the most _______ in ____ minutes. The sky's the limit, just see what you can come up with. You could also have a small prize to add some extra enthusiasm between you and your friends. 

Idea #6 - Go Shopping with Friends
Here's a simple activity to cure boredom. Just Go Shopping with your Friends. Something fun to do is to go into your fave store and try on whatever you like and overall just have fun. 

Idea # 7 - Youtube-a-thon
Another Super Simple idea for a cold winters day. Snuggle up inside with blankets and cushions and just watch Youtube videos from your fave Youtubers!

Idea #8 -Try out a new Hobby
Trying a new hobby may be a great idea to keep you busy in the Holidays, if you haven't already discovered Looming (Rainbow Loom etc.) I would suggest you give it a try. I got mine for my 14th Birthday which was like 3 weeks ago and it didn't take very long to pick up skills to make some more challenging bracelets and charms. It is really fun and can be cheap if you get one of the cheaper looms and you can also buy the bands for quite cheap too! You could also try to learn an instrument, learn to sew or knit, test your skills in the kitchen or just try something completely random that you have never done before.

Idea #9 - Try out some Science Experiment
If you like science then why don't you try some science experiments
I found this site if you are looking for some simple science experiments to do these school holidays.

I hope you like these ideas too : )


08 July 2014


So, if you're anything like me you probably get extremely bored during the school holidays even if it is only for 2 weeks. Yes I know that is a short time but it gets so boring sometimes so I'm going to share some Holiday Boredom Busters with you. I am hoping to do several posts (maybe even one for each day) sharing some of my favourite ideas to keep yourselves busy these school holidays.

Idea #1 - Start a Youtube Channel
Starting a Youtube Channel could be a great idea to keep you occupied during these holidays. Depending on what sort of channel you are interested in making will affect what you do but just remember Quality before Quantity. If you want you could invite friends over and film some fun tags or whatever. Just remember that it is a good idea to ask your parents first especially if you are planning on showing your face. If you think you will be too busy some times to make a youtube channel why not try making a blog on blogger. I recommend using blogger because I know for sure you can schedule when your posts go up so that way you can type up several posts when you have some free time and then set times for them to be posted (great if you get quite busy sometimes).

Idea #2 - Create a Holiday Look Book
If you are into fashion or beauty, why not create a holiday look book by taking pictures of what you wear each day. This would also be neat if you did it over the whole year. You could then put it into a scrapbook. This could be really handy on those days when you are unsure on what to wear. You may even notice some patterns in what you wear. Maybe you always wear a certain top with the same pants and accessories and you could then see what other items it may go with. Also, if you plan on doing it for a long period of time such as a year, then why not take a picture of each of your clothing items to put on the first pages. You could organize them however you want, but putting all of your clothing items next to each other may just help you discover some new ways to wear certain items or even several new outfits.
I think I just gave myself an idea, I might try this... one day.

Idea #3 - Create a Holiday Vlog
Why don't you have a go at vlogging these holidays to remember all the fun things you did. It would be great fun to look back on with friends in the future to see what you had fun doing when you were younger.

Idea #4 - Create a short film or movie
Invite your friends over for some fun today. Create unique characters for each of you and help write a script and put your acting, filming and editing skills together to create a short film or movie. Or why not write the script by your self and treat it like an audition, your friends can pick their favourite characters (try and make ones that help your friends individual talents that way you know their is a character that will appeal to each of your friends and will help avoid fights and arguments about who gets what role) and audition, this will hopefully help build confidence in some of your shyer friends. One way to get around this is to get your friends to create a role for themselves and then you can all audition for the role you created.
- Also, you could invite you friends over for a sleepover and have them first come over at 10-11am or so, that way you can spend a lot of the day writing a script and filming. Then, after dinner you could watch your short film while sharing popcorn and having a laugh. Including a bloopers section would also be cool! Don't forget to share the film with friends some how that way you can all have your own copy to keep.

I decided to share these 4 activities today because they could take up most of the holidays if you do a little bit a day. I am going to share the bigger activities first over the next couple of days that way you can have more time to organize them if you choose to do them.


P.S. Watch out for more #HolidayBoredomBusters coming soon...

Hi Girls! Apology and Channel Ideas!

Long time, no see...

I'm sorry that I haven't posted in a while both on Youtube and on here but I have been quite busy with school since I had tests I had to study for and I didn't have much time to film, edit and post but now that the holidays have arrived I will hopefully be able to post some stuff. I will hopefully be able to write a whole bunch of posts for this blog and then schedule them so that if I don't get time to post there will still be posts for you to read and so that you can still get some advice you may need.

Now that the apology is over let's get into the Channel Ideas!
Since the name KiwiGirlHelp isn't really limited to 1 topic I am thinking of adding some new kinds of videos and posts that could also help you girls out.
So currently I am doing Period and Puberty and I have done a little bit of beauty but some other ideas I had were
- Looming Tutorials (I designed a cute bra charm so maybe I could show you how to make that to connect all of us together, like a friendship charm)
- Cooking/Baking Ideas and Videos (I've always liked cooking and baking but lately I've been interested in trying new ideas for breakfast and snacks and stuff like that so maybe I could include the occasional baking/cooking video which could also help some of you too)

If you have any other ideas or like the ideas I've come up with, please let me know and I will see what I can do.


30 May 2014

Kiwigirlhelp Weekly #1

Well, I thought I could do a weekly or monthly thing of some sort so this is the first one...

I thought that Confidence in sharing your musical talents would be a good start since I love singing and I play a few instruments.

I know that it takes a lot of confidence to be able to get up and show others your musical talents such as playing an instrument or singing. I never used to be confident when it came to singing in front of others but now I love singing and it doesn't bother me anymore if people hear me singing. I always used to stop singing if someone caught me but not anymore, now, I sing a lot. It seems as though I never go a day without singing at least once.

Some tips I have to anyone who is nervous about sharing their musical talents but really wants to get their talent out there.

  • Find a friend you trust and perform for them, they will be very supportive and will help you out if they think your talent can get you somewhere and will definitely help you follow your dreams.
  • If you have a family member or friend who also has the same musical talent as you, you could ask them for some advice.
  • Ask yourself Why you are nervous when it comes to sharing your talent? Is it because you are afraid others won't like it? Or are you afraid that you will forget the lyrics or play the wrong note? Well, just remember that not everyone likes every single voice or instrument they hear and that everyone makes a mistake every now and then.
  • Try singing in front of a larger audience because I personally think that it's easier to sing in front of a larger group than it is to sing in front of a small group because it feels as though you won't get criticized as much and that is because there is a larger amount of people which means that there isn't really time for face to face criticizing.
  • Allow people to give you suggestions and feedback so that you know what you need to work on and what's already working for you.
  • If you have lessons for your talent then I would suggest you talk to your teacher and see what they think about you when you are doing the talent, Compliments from people trained in that area will definitely help you build confidence.
  •  Don't worry! If your friends, family and music teachers say you are good at it, chances are you are so just take a risk and audition for the talent quest and even if you don't get in you could talk to the person holding auditions and ask why you didn't get in.
If your school talent show is coming up but you are too shy or nervous to put your name down on the sign up sheet. I, myself has gone through the nerves in putting my name down for a talent quest. Even though it sends shivers down your spine, you want to get your talent out there. But to get your talent out there you have to overcome those nerves and become confident. That year I did put my name down and went through the audition process but I didn't make it through. The year after I got to perform at an assembly and it has built my confidence knowing that people like my singing and that they think I'm good. Sometimes all it takes is someone such as a teacher to tell you that you are good at your talent.
If you are planning on possibly putting your name don't leave it too late. Put it down as soon as you know what you are probably going to be doing because otherwise you may miss out on the opportunity.
If you are nervous on what others might think just remember that you may never be discovered if you never put your name down or show others what you can do. Sometimes it's easier to perform in front of a big crowd than it is to sing in front of a couple of people. I think this because if you sing in front of 1 or 2 people it makes you feel as though you are getting judged on the spot but in front of a big crowd they can't really criticize you right there. Just remember that not everyone is going to like what you do.  

Sorry if these tips don't help, but I kind of just grew out of my stage fright (i think that's what you would call it I guess), I basically just became a more confident person as I got older and I'm not afraid to be heard.
Also, sorry for not making a lot of videos, I'm quite busy with school but it's easy to do blog posts since I can write heaps at once and schedule them so they pop up on different days.


27 May 2014

Friendship Problems and Answers - 2

Do you feel as though your friends aren't there for you as much as they used to be? Are they ignoring you? Leaving you out? Talking about you behind your back? Or overall just not being the friends they used to be?
Well if you need help with friends then hopefully this post will be able to give you some ideas.

There are always going to be ups and downs in friendships,sometimes your stuck in the middle or sometimes you did something wrong but you don't know what it is. You just need to communicate with them and find out what the problem is. This series on friendship problems will hopefully help some of you out in your current situations.

One day you and your friends are all happy and then the next day someone in the groups being nasty...
Well, this could be for a number of reasons. If this continues in a pattern then I would suggest maybe talking to the person and asking why they are being all nasty to the rest of the group. If it is only like that every once and a while it could be mood swings or maybe they are just having a bad day and everyone has a bad day once and a while but maybe just ask them what's wrong and support them if having a bad day is the reason. If it's one person in the group that's always being mean maybe talk to the other friends in the group and see what they think, maybe they know the reason but it could be personal to the person but if they say there is a reason just try and support them and be nice. Maybe the person being mean doesn't fit in with the group anymore and is trying to get out of the group. Whatever the reason, talk to them and find out why they have been acting the way the have and then you can work around it and try to fix it.

If you are having friendship problems, comment or email me (kiwigirlhelp@gmail.com) and I will try to answer your problem or question on here so that others with similar problems can recieve help as well.


13 May 2014

Friendship Problems and Answers - 1

Do you feel as though your friends aren't there for you as much as they used to be? Are they ignoring you? Leaving you out? Talking about you behind your back? Or overall just not being the friends they used to be?
Well if you need help with friends then hopefully this post will be able to give you some ideas.

There are always going to be ups and downs in friendships,sometimes your stuck in the middle or sometimes you did something wrong but you don't know what it is. You just need to communicate with them and find out what the problem is. This series on friendship problems will hopefully help some of you out in your current situations.

If your friends are ignoring you or leaving you out because you did something wrong but you don't know what it was...
I would suggest trying to talk to them. If they don't want to talk to you just tell them that you want to sort things out or find out what the problem is. If they aren't willing to listen to you, maybe just leave them alone for a little while and try talking to them again in a week or 2. For the meantime just find some other friends to be with. If they still don't want to talk to you just stick with some other friends you've found. If the ones ignoring you are your true friends they will probably listen to you but if they don't then that's their problem, they may have just lost a good friend. If they come crawling back to you a month or 2 or maybe even a year later, you can either stick with you new friends or your old friends but don't forget that your old friends may repeat what happens, maybe you could get both your new friends and old friends to all be friends and have a bigger group, chances are that not many people will get left out because there will probably always be someone to talk to. Things will probably work out in the end either way.

If you're stuck in the middle...
I would suggest talking to both of them individually and finding out what both of them have to say. If you can get both of them to apologize to each other you may solve your problem. If they are saying something that the other person is denying, it may be a bigger problem but you could get them to maybe forget about it and say that they are friends and should forgive each other. You could also organize a girls night with both of them and maybe some other friends too to help calm them down if there is any drama between them. Hopefully spending a night together with both of them will make them realize you aren't taking sides.
If things aren't working find a new group of friends because taking sides with one of them isn't going to help so maybe just find some new friends if things still aren't working out.

If this post doesn't help you or you want help with a different situation you can comment or email me (kiwigirlhelp@gmail.com) and I will try to answer your friendship problems.


11 May 2014

Camp Period Kit

Hi Girls, this is a requested post.
Before I start I would like to say one thing, the girl didn't say how long the camp was or anything and she said that she has just gotten her first period so I am just doing some guidelines about what to take.\
Overnight Pads
-So some guidelines for Overnight Pads
-Take 1 for each night you will be at the camp and then add 1 or 2 extras just in case a friend needs one or you have an unexpected very heavy flow.
Regular/Super Pads
-Take around 4 regular pads for each day that you will be on the camp and also take a few Super Pads just in case your flow is heavy on a particular day
-Also I would suggest taking a few extra pads just in case someone else needs a pad
-You could also maybe take a pack of Regulars and a pack of Supers if that is easier but just make sure you have around 4 pads for each day
-Take enough liners to last you the camp depending on how many you use each day.
-To work out how many liners you need - how many liners you use each day times how many days the camp is

Optional Items

-Tampons (you said you just got your first so I took them out)
If you do use tampons during the day take the same amount of tampons as I said for pads
If you use both just take around half and half of each.
If you don't use tampons but there are water activities you think you may want to participate in, I would suggest taking a few (3 or 4)

-Sanitary Disposal Bags
These are scented black bags that you can put your used pads, tampons and liners in.
These are really good and discrete if there aren't sanitary bins in the toilets.
I would suggest taking a packet especially if there are going to be long drops.

-Hand Sanitizer
Mini Hand Sanitizers are a great thing to take especially if there are going to be long drops or just a regular bathroom.

-Libra Get Fresh Wipes or any kind of wipes safe for use down there.
These are great if you aren't going to be able to shower. They will also keep you feeling refreshed.

-Spare Underwear
Maybe just take a couple of extra pairs of underwear just in case.

-Libra Hotties Heat Patches
In case you get cramps

Those listed under the optional list are obviously optional but some are great to take especially hand sanitizer.
So collect your supplies and put them in a cute bag all ready to go.

Comment telling me you camp must-haves.

Bye, see you next time
Kiwigirlhelp : )

01 May 2014

Being Dumped or Rejected...

I uploaded a video on being dumped and rejected this morning but didn't think it had many tips so I'm hopefully going to be able to come up with some more tips on here.
You can view the video on my channel KiwiGirlHelp. I would really appreciate it if you subscribed to me too. : )
Anyway so here are some of my tips to you if you have been Dumped or Rejected

  • Take the person out of your life for a little while until you are over them. To help you do this Block them on Social Networks and don't talk/text them and stuff. You can unblock them and talk to them again when you over them but taking them out of your life for a little while just helps you not to think about the person as much.
  • Try not to let it get to you too much just remember that the relationship just wasn't meant to be and it just means that it didn't work out. Also, there are plenty of fish in the sea like there are plenty of people on the earth so I'm sure you will find someone else.
  • Have a day with your friends to help get things off your mind, you could go to the movies, go shopping, have a sleepover/spa day and just do something fun together with all your best buds. If you wanted some ideas for things to do with your friends I would be happy to share some of my ideas with you at a later date.
  • Remain Calm... as I said before it just wasn't meant to be.
  • If you feel confident enough you could ask them why they dumped you. Maybe it was for family reasons, his grandparents could be sick or something bad like that which means he wants to spend less time with you to focus on his family or something or maybe he just felt things weren't working at that time or he just wanted a short break to be with he friends or something. Maybe he doesn't feel like you like him the same as when you were first together. Some of the reasons listed above mean that he just doesn't really have much time to spend with you or he wants to spend more time with his family or anything but you won't know unless you ask. 
  • Focus on more important things such as your Family and Friends, Boys will come and go and so will some friends but your Family and True friends will always be there for you.
  • Finding a new hobby or activity could also help you out.
  • Singing, release your emotions by finding a song that fits your situation and helps you really release those emotions you may be keeping to yourself
  • Remember, it's ok to cry and let it all out but just remember that Boys aren't the most important things in life.


27 April 2014

My Lip Product Collection and Swatches

So, I love wearing lip products whether it be tinted lipbalm, lipstick or a gloss (only if it isn't sticky, I'm not a fan of sticky glosses. I thought I would start of my beauty/makeup posts by showing you all of my lip products. So let's get started...

I'll start with my lip balms, since I have so many lip balms, I thought I'd just show you 1 of each of the ones I could find (also I couldn't find all my lip balms since I pretty much have 1 or 2 in each of my handbags and a couple in my school bag)

  Ok, so to start with I had 3 of the Yes to Carrots Lip Butters but I only have 1 left now as I used up my mint and raspberry ones so now I only have my melon one left.
 It is just a plain clear balm. I really like this lip balm and if you would like a full review and list of flavours I would be happy to do so since I love this balm so much. : )
 Next I have the Lip Smackers, I have the ones that came in the Coca Cola tin. I don't really use these lip balms anymore since I prefer some of my other ones but these ones are handy if I run out and need a back up or something.
 These Lip balms are coloured in the tube but don't come out that shade on your lips, they appear clear on your lips but I found after swatching the fanta one (the one in the pics) on my arm it left a slight orange tint but it wouldn't be noticeable on your lips.
 Another on of my faves, my Maybelline Baby Lips. I used to have both of the ones in the Baby Lips Glow collection but just recently finished the lighter pink one but still have some of the darker one left. I also have the Baby Lips Antioxidant berry.
 Most of the original ones in NZ are clear but the Baby Lips Glow change colour on your lips and the Baby Lips Colour are coloured and available in 5 shades although I'm still looking for them.
 This Miki Lip Conditioner is relatively new to my collection. I chose the spearmint one since I love minty scents and the smell of this one isn't as nice as my old yes to carrots mint lip butter but this one smells ok I guess.
 I've only tried this one and the balm itself is a pale green (didn't show up in the photo) but doesn't leave any green tint whatsoever, I am interested to see if the bubblegum one is tinted though so I might get it at a later date.
 I love this Blistex Intensive Repair especially in the colder months when I get really badly chapped lips. It is an amazing lip balm for those of you who get badly chapped lips at any time of the year and it heals your chapped lips fast.
 As you can see, I've almost finished my pot of it (3rd one in 3 or 4 years). It is a yellowy colour in the pot but it is clear when you put it on. It produces a tingly/cold feel when you first put it on but that goes away after a little while.
Now for my Glosses which I will do swatches for after showing you them all...
First I have a trio which I got for Christmas last year, They have cute little charms on the end and are tube lip glosses in a pale pink, a pinky purple and a red.
 Now I have another lip gloss set I also got last year for Christmas and it came with 5 although  pretty much used up the other 2 so will just show you the 3 in the picture.
 I got this one recently and it is the L.A. Colors Glossin Go! Lip Gloss. I has really slim packaging and has a longish sponge type applicator. Mine is in the Colour Glam.
 This last one is an oldish one and is the Napoleon Perdis in Paris Pink. I don't use this as it is sticky and the colour looks ridiculous on me and this one has a brush applicator if you were wondering.

Lip Gloss Swatches!!!
Left to Right (Miki Charm Pale Pink, Miki Charm Pinky Purple, Miki Charm Red, Miki Mini pink, Miki Full Size purple/pink, Miki Mini Rosey Coral, L.A. Colors Glossin Go, Napoleon Perdis)
I didn't know the names for the miki ones but the lip glosses are in the order they were in the pictures if you were confused.

Now for my Lipsticks : )
 I have a Cover Girl Lip Stick in Pink Moon. It is a very sheer pale Lilac Color.
I like the colour of this lip stick and haven't seen any more quite like it.
 It is quite sparkly as you can see in the Picture Above. I don't wear this colour much because it makes my lips look quite chapped but I am trying to get into wearing it.
 Next I have the 4Me Lipstick in Shade 21, on me it looks like a pink nude.
Like my Covergirl lip stick this makes my lips look quite chapped. Is it because they are light colours??? I kind of like how you can see what colour the lipstick is without having to open it, it will come in handy if I ever get a wider variety of colours.
In the tube it looks like a pretty pinky rose shade, I wish it was a bit darker but oh well...
 Now I have the Kleancolor Double Diamond Lips. I believe it is in Love Me 365 (not sure).
 The Lipstick is a pretty bubble gum pink but I feel it doesn't suit me as much as I would like it to.
On the other end is just a clear glittery gloss.
 My Miki Lipsticks are definitely my fave because I've found they are quite build-able. You can make them bright with a few swipes over the lips or do 1 swipe and then tone it down with a bit of clear lip balm over the top.
 I have 2 of them and this one is in Runway Red. It is a really bright red and I really love how it looks.
I am hoping to get some other shades of these lipsticks also.
Here is my other Miki Lipstick but this one is in Fuschia Fun.
It is a hot pink fuchsia colour. I also love this colour as it is really bright.
 Like my Other Miki Lipstick I find that I can tone it down or make it bright and vibrant.
Here are swatches of all my lipsticks from left to right (Covergirl Pink Moon, 4me in shade 2, KleanColor Double Diamond Lips, Miki Fuschia Fun, Miki Runway Red)

So i hope you enjoyed reading about my Lip Product Collection and if you want reviews on any of these just let me know and I'll be happy to do so.

Beauty Posts/Videos to come???

I want to add some twists to my youtube channel and/or blog and 1 of my ideas was beauty/makeup so I might start posting some beauty/makeup stuff on my blog. I might not make videos but I will hopefully make some beauty posts on this blog so if you aren't into all the periods/puberty stuff then maybe the makeup/beauty aspect might appeal to you and might increase the number of subscribers/viewers I have which could result in giveaways such as maybe a 50 subscriber giveaway or 100 subscriber giveaway, That sort of thing so... yeah. I am always thinking of ways to make my videos/channels better and this is just 1 of those ways I thought might work... so let me know what you think.

24 April 2014

Back up and Running... Hopefully???

Hi Girls, so I don't really post much on this blog and that is because I don't really get as many views as I do on my youtube channel and no one really comments and stuff so yeah...
But, I thought I would try and get this up and running again...
I will try and post 2-3 times a week but I can't guarantee that because I get a fair amount of homework and school is more important but other than that I will try to post as frequently as I can...