27 May 2014

Friendship Problems and Answers - 2

Do you feel as though your friends aren't there for you as much as they used to be? Are they ignoring you? Leaving you out? Talking about you behind your back? Or overall just not being the friends they used to be?
Well if you need help with friends then hopefully this post will be able to give you some ideas.

There are always going to be ups and downs in friendships,sometimes your stuck in the middle or sometimes you did something wrong but you don't know what it is. You just need to communicate with them and find out what the problem is. This series on friendship problems will hopefully help some of you out in your current situations.

One day you and your friends are all happy and then the next day someone in the groups being nasty...
Well, this could be for a number of reasons. If this continues in a pattern then I would suggest maybe talking to the person and asking why they are being all nasty to the rest of the group. If it is only like that every once and a while it could be mood swings or maybe they are just having a bad day and everyone has a bad day once and a while but maybe just ask them what's wrong and support them if having a bad day is the reason. If it's one person in the group that's always being mean maybe talk to the other friends in the group and see what they think, maybe they know the reason but it could be personal to the person but if they say there is a reason just try and support them and be nice. Maybe the person being mean doesn't fit in with the group anymore and is trying to get out of the group. Whatever the reason, talk to them and find out why they have been acting the way the have and then you can work around it and try to fix it.

If you are having friendship problems, comment or email me (kiwigirlhelp@gmail.com) and I will try to answer your problem or question on here so that others with similar problems can recieve help as well.


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