01 May 2014

Being Dumped or Rejected...

I uploaded a video on being dumped and rejected this morning but didn't think it had many tips so I'm hopefully going to be able to come up with some more tips on here.
You can view the video on my channel KiwiGirlHelp. I would really appreciate it if you subscribed to me too. : )
Anyway so here are some of my tips to you if you have been Dumped or Rejected

  • Take the person out of your life for a little while until you are over them. To help you do this Block them on Social Networks and don't talk/text them and stuff. You can unblock them and talk to them again when you over them but taking them out of your life for a little while just helps you not to think about the person as much.
  • Try not to let it get to you too much just remember that the relationship just wasn't meant to be and it just means that it didn't work out. Also, there are plenty of fish in the sea like there are plenty of people on the earth so I'm sure you will find someone else.
  • Have a day with your friends to help get things off your mind, you could go to the movies, go shopping, have a sleepover/spa day and just do something fun together with all your best buds. If you wanted some ideas for things to do with your friends I would be happy to share some of my ideas with you at a later date.
  • Remain Calm... as I said before it just wasn't meant to be.
  • If you feel confident enough you could ask them why they dumped you. Maybe it was for family reasons, his grandparents could be sick or something bad like that which means he wants to spend less time with you to focus on his family or something or maybe he just felt things weren't working at that time or he just wanted a short break to be with he friends or something. Maybe he doesn't feel like you like him the same as when you were first together. Some of the reasons listed above mean that he just doesn't really have much time to spend with you or he wants to spend more time with his family or anything but you won't know unless you ask. 
  • Focus on more important things such as your Family and Friends, Boys will come and go and so will some friends but your Family and True friends will always be there for you.
  • Finding a new hobby or activity could also help you out.
  • Singing, release your emotions by finding a song that fits your situation and helps you really release those emotions you may be keeping to yourself
  • Remember, it's ok to cry and let it all out but just remember that Boys aren't the most important things in life.


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