13 May 2014

Friendship Problems and Answers - 1

Do you feel as though your friends aren't there for you as much as they used to be? Are they ignoring you? Leaving you out? Talking about you behind your back? Or overall just not being the friends they used to be?
Well if you need help with friends then hopefully this post will be able to give you some ideas.

There are always going to be ups and downs in friendships,sometimes your stuck in the middle or sometimes you did something wrong but you don't know what it is. You just need to communicate with them and find out what the problem is. This series on friendship problems will hopefully help some of you out in your current situations.

If your friends are ignoring you or leaving you out because you did something wrong but you don't know what it was...
I would suggest trying to talk to them. If they don't want to talk to you just tell them that you want to sort things out or find out what the problem is. If they aren't willing to listen to you, maybe just leave them alone for a little while and try talking to them again in a week or 2. For the meantime just find some other friends to be with. If they still don't want to talk to you just stick with some other friends you've found. If the ones ignoring you are your true friends they will probably listen to you but if they don't then that's their problem, they may have just lost a good friend. If they come crawling back to you a month or 2 or maybe even a year later, you can either stick with you new friends or your old friends but don't forget that your old friends may repeat what happens, maybe you could get both your new friends and old friends to all be friends and have a bigger group, chances are that not many people will get left out because there will probably always be someone to talk to. Things will probably work out in the end either way.

If you're stuck in the middle...
I would suggest talking to both of them individually and finding out what both of them have to say. If you can get both of them to apologize to each other you may solve your problem. If they are saying something that the other person is denying, it may be a bigger problem but you could get them to maybe forget about it and say that they are friends and should forgive each other. You could also organize a girls night with both of them and maybe some other friends too to help calm them down if there is any drama between them. Hopefully spending a night together with both of them will make them realize you aren't taking sides.
If things aren't working find a new group of friends because taking sides with one of them isn't going to help so maybe just find some new friends if things still aren't working out.

If this post doesn't help you or you want help with a different situation you can comment or email me (kiwigirlhelp@gmail.com) and I will try to answer your friendship problems.


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