08 July 2014


So, if you're anything like me you probably get extremely bored during the school holidays even if it is only for 2 weeks. Yes I know that is a short time but it gets so boring sometimes so I'm going to share some Holiday Boredom Busters with you. I am hoping to do several posts (maybe even one for each day) sharing some of my favourite ideas to keep yourselves busy these school holidays.

Idea #1 - Start a Youtube Channel
Starting a Youtube Channel could be a great idea to keep you occupied during these holidays. Depending on what sort of channel you are interested in making will affect what you do but just remember Quality before Quantity. If you want you could invite friends over and film some fun tags or whatever. Just remember that it is a good idea to ask your parents first especially if you are planning on showing your face. If you think you will be too busy some times to make a youtube channel why not try making a blog on blogger. I recommend using blogger because I know for sure you can schedule when your posts go up so that way you can type up several posts when you have some free time and then set times for them to be posted (great if you get quite busy sometimes).

Idea #2 - Create a Holiday Look Book
If you are into fashion or beauty, why not create a holiday look book by taking pictures of what you wear each day. This would also be neat if you did it over the whole year. You could then put it into a scrapbook. This could be really handy on those days when you are unsure on what to wear. You may even notice some patterns in what you wear. Maybe you always wear a certain top with the same pants and accessories and you could then see what other items it may go with. Also, if you plan on doing it for a long period of time such as a year, then why not take a picture of each of your clothing items to put on the first pages. You could organize them however you want, but putting all of your clothing items next to each other may just help you discover some new ways to wear certain items or even several new outfits.
I think I just gave myself an idea, I might try this... one day.

Idea #3 - Create a Holiday Vlog
Why don't you have a go at vlogging these holidays to remember all the fun things you did. It would be great fun to look back on with friends in the future to see what you had fun doing when you were younger.

Idea #4 - Create a short film or movie
Invite your friends over for some fun today. Create unique characters for each of you and help write a script and put your acting, filming and editing skills together to create a short film or movie. Or why not write the script by your self and treat it like an audition, your friends can pick their favourite characters (try and make ones that help your friends individual talents that way you know their is a character that will appeal to each of your friends and will help avoid fights and arguments about who gets what role) and audition, this will hopefully help build confidence in some of your shyer friends. One way to get around this is to get your friends to create a role for themselves and then you can all audition for the role you created.
- Also, you could invite you friends over for a sleepover and have them first come over at 10-11am or so, that way you can spend a lot of the day writing a script and filming. Then, after dinner you could watch your short film while sharing popcorn and having a laugh. Including a bloopers section would also be cool! Don't forget to share the film with friends some how that way you can all have your own copy to keep.

I decided to share these 4 activities today because they could take up most of the holidays if you do a little bit a day. I am going to share the bigger activities first over the next couple of days that way you can have more time to organize them if you choose to do them.


P.S. Watch out for more #HolidayBoredomBusters coming soon...

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