21 July 2014

The Crushin' on ______ Tag

So, I wanted to create my own tag that kind of fits in with my channel so since I had a boys theme/topic a while ago I thought that this would nicely in with my channel so let's get started. I will hopefully make a video soon but for now it's just the questions and answers. I will also include the full list of Questions at the end. This is a tag with 18 questions and I tag all of you. If you do this tag share your video or just answer the questions in the comment section. It would mean so much to me. Thanks!

First Crush Section
1. How old were you when you had your first crush? I was really young, I think I would been around 6 or 7 but it wasn't a serious crush just a little kid one, My first what I would call actual crush was when I was 11.
2. Did your first crush know you liked him? My first actual crush (11) found out I liked him about 4 or so months after I started crushing on him.
3. If yes; How did they find out? He found out because I kept asking to dance with him at our school dance so I thought I would just admit it.
4. Did they like you back? No, he didn't like me back but we were kind of friends so it was all good.
5. Do you still know the person? He goes to a different school but we sometimes keep in touch via email so yeah.

Random Section
1. How many crushes have you had? I have had 5 actual crushes since I was 11 (I am now 14)
2. How many of those crushes have ever liked you back? None, well, at least I'm pretty sure none of them have ever liked me back.
3. Looking back, where any of them horrible to you? Yeah, the boy I liked last year hated me and he was really nasty at times but I got over him pretty soon.
4. Do you wish that you never liked any of them? Yeah, I wish I didn't like the boy I liked last year.
5. Did any of your crushes ever turn into anything more than a crush? No but I don't really mind, it just means I haven't found the right boy yet.
6. If you have had multiple crushes why did you stop liking the previous boys? Well, most of them ended up going to a different school or I kind of just grew apart from them.
7. What traits do you look for in a boy? A kind personality and someone that can make me laugh. Someone that brings out the best in me and makes me smile.

Current Crush
1. Does your current crush know that you like him? No, I haven't told anyone who I currently like so I'm pretty sure he has no idea.
2. Do you know if he likes you back? No, I don't know... yet. I am on the lookout for signs and hopefully when I tell my bestie she will be able to help out too.
3. Are you friends? Yes we are friends... I guess. I mean he is in one of my groups of friends but I think we could be a bit closer than we currently are.
4. What do you like about them? He is really nice, and he makes me laugh/smile. He also has some similar interests to me so I think we get along quite well together.
5. How did you meet them? He's in my class at school and I kinda of just met him I guess. ?
6. Best Moment with your current crush? Well, he was away for the first couple of lessons in one of our optional classes so I got to help him with the stuff we had learnt while he was away which meant I got to sit next to him and I will probably end up sitting next to him most times in that class since he is a bit behind and I like to help people as you girls know.

The Questions
First Crush Section
1. How old were you when you had your first crush?
2. Did your first crush know you liked him?
3. If yes; How did they find out?
4. Did they like you back?
5. Do you still know the person?
Random Section
1. How many crushes have you had?
2. How many of those crushes have ever liked you back?
3. Looking back, where any of them horrible to you?
4. Do you wish that you never liked any of them?
5. Did any of your crushes ever turn into anything more than a crush?
6. If you have had multiple crushes why did you stop liking the previous boys?
7. What traits do you look for in a boy?
Current Crush Section
1. Does your current crush know that you like him?
2. Do you know if he likes you back?
3. Are you friends?
4. What do you like about them?
5. How did you meet them?
6. Best Moment with your current crush?

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