23 December 2014

1 Year on Youtube!!!

Exactly 1 year from the time this post was posted, I uploaded my first video on my channel. Sure it may have only been a channel introduction but it was still the first video I ever uploaded. I cant' believe how quickly the time has gone. I know my uploading wasn't always consistent and I didn't upload for like 3 months earlier this year but I'm glad I am still here uploading videos on this channel. It feels great knowing that I am helping others through my channel.

Some Highlights from the last year

I know 50 subscribers may not seem like a lot if you have a bigger subscriber family or don't have a channel at all but when I reached 50 subscribers in September I was really happy. I reached 25 subs within a month of starting my channel so I was kinda expecting to reach 57 a bit sooner then I did but it doesn't matter because at least I know that I am helping a bunch of girls from all over the world

Warm Fuzzies
You may remember the original song I wrote for Claudia from Periods Puberty. Well whilst reading the blog post she posted where she mentioned me, I was trying to hold back tears of happiness because of all the warm fuzzies inside. I felt so amazing knowing that I had helped her and yeah. It just makes you feel so great inside.

Editing Skills
This whole experience has helped me with editing and I also have discovered that I quite like filming and editing videos and stuff.

What can you expect for my second year?
Well I am hoping to organise a filming and uploading schedule so that should hopefully be one of the first things you can expect to see for my second year on youtube. I am also hoping to plan a giveaway for this next year but am waiting until I have enough NZ and maybe some Aussie subscribers if I do an NZ and Aussie giveaway although it'll probably just be NZ. I am also hoping to ask my mum about AMPs (Alternative Menstrual Products) but don't count on it because I am not that close to my mum but if my mum ever mentions periods I am going to hopefully try and bring up the subject of AMPs. More frequent videos and maybe some videos with one of my friends because she is open about periods and stuff but I am still deciding whether or not to tell her about my channel.

Let's make this next year the best we can! Remember to give me feedback/feedfoward (What is good and what could be improved/changed) and request videos!


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