24 December 2014

A quick Christmas Eve message

I hope you all have a safe and happy Christmas or whatever you celebrate or if you don't celebrate Christmas or anything else then have a great day.

Just remember that you may not always get what you want but that isn't the point. Make sure you have a great day spending time with your family and just enjoy the day. It is better to give than to receive so why not give someone something special this Christmas to share the Christmas love.

I am thinking about doing a Christmas haul so I hope you enjoy that. Some other videos I am thinking about making are a Christmas Eve Night Routine, A Christmas Morning Routine and maybe a Christmas Day vlog so I hope that you will enjoy those if I do get around to making them. Would you girls like to see another channel for more personal stuff or are you ok with these sorts of videos on my usual channel.

One thing that you can hope to see after Christmas is a channel kik because I had to do a bit or Christmas shopping with my dad today and I had to pick out a new phone for part of my Christmas present so hopefully I will be able to create a kik for my youtube channel on my soon to be old phone.

Merry Christmas to you all and I hope you had a fabulous year.


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