13 December 2014

The perks of having small boobs

My friend who is a 12D (I'm a 10B) is jealous of the fact I have small boobs and told me some of the reasons why so I decided to make a post sharing the perks of having small boobs.
It seems that girls always want what they don't have. Girls with small boobs usually want bigger boobs and girls who have big boobs usually want smaller boobs but we have to learn to accept what we have. Since I have small boobs I can't exactly do a perks of having big boobs post because I haven't experienced it but here is a post to hopefully help you smaller chested girls to accept who you are and what you look like.

Perk #1
-It isn't as uncomfortable to sleep on your stomach.
Compared to bigger chested girls it isn't as uncomfortable to sleep on your stomach, although it can get uncomfortable after long periods of time it isn't as bad.

Perk #2
-You can get away without wearing a bra more than bigger breasted girls. While you may feel more comfortable wearing a bra, you can get away without wearing a bra. You can also get away with wearing training bras and other bras without under wire because you don't need as much support.

Perk #3
-They don't hurt as much especially if they aren't tender at the time or still growing.

That is just 3 perks of having small boobs, I do have more so I might do a part 2 in a month or so.
I hope you enjoyed, if you have bigger boobs be sure to let me know the perks of having big boobs.


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