23 August 2014

Period Kit for a Friend

Here is a period kit for a friend who has just got her first period and doesn't want to tell her mum.
First of all, tell her that the best thing to do is to let her mum know or at least ask her mum to buy some pads for when she needs them. Also, just remember you don't have to give her anything but it's very nice of you to give her some stuff.
You shouldn't have to give her a whole lot of stuff, just enough to last 2 or 3 days which should give her enough time to gain the courage to talk to her mum.

Here is a list of things you should think about (I stated that somethings were optional but everything on the list is optional)

- Regular Pads (I would suggest about 8 pads and possibly in a variety of different kinds so that she can find out what ones she likes best.)
- Overnight Pads (I would suggest 1 or 2 overnight pads which should be plenty since her flow probably isn't very heavy.)
- Sanitary Bags (these are optional but may be helpful if she doesn't want her mum to know)
- Wipes (these are also optional but you can include them if you would like to)
- Liners (optional, but they may be helpful during the last days of her period or if she experiences spotting between now and her next period)
- Tampons (these may be useful if she goes swimming or something because if she doesn't want to tell her mum then she kind of has to if she doesn't have any tampons and goes swimming)
- Information Booklets (Tampon instruction booklets or information booklets on periods may also be useful for her)

Hope this helps,

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