12 January 2015

Video Uploading Schedule

Here it is! A schedule after just over a year of uploading videos. I am not making this definite yet though but just a general idea on when to expect videos. My ability to film, edit and upload videos is affected by things such as...
-Homework (less)
-Exams (less)
-Studying (less)
-Holidays (more)
-Home Alone (more)
-Friends (less if I have friends over maybe more if I were to tell my bestie because she is kinda ok with talking about periods)
-Computer Problems (less)
-Busy, Family Activities and stuff (less unless I am able to stay home alone)
-Requests (my lack of or an abundance of requests will affect the amount of videos I make)

I remember last year I had like a 3 month break and I'm hoping that won't happen again this year so I think that if I make a schedule maybe it won't be as likely to happen but I don't really know or not so I guess I'll have to wait and see.

Anyway for my video upload schedule I will try and post at least 1 video on each of the days although sometimes I won't be able to upload on one of the days for whatever reason but I will try as hard as I can to try and upload at least 1 video on each of the days. There will also be extra videos in the holidays on other days if I am staying at my dads.

Schedule (Week Days)
Mondays - No videos unless I'm at my dads in the holidays or for some other reason
Tuesdays - At least 1 video although there may be more then 1 depending on how busy I've been
Wednesdays - No videos unless I'm at my dads in the holidays or for some other reason
Thursdays - At least 1 video although there may be more then 1
Fridays -  No videos unless I'm at my dads

Schedule (Weekends)
You can probably expect some videos every second weekend but I really don't know how many videos and what day whether that be Saturday or Sunday. Every second weekend will mean next weekend and then 2 weekends after that etc. The amount of videos in the weekend really depends on how many videos I've filmed and haven't already uploaded.

Anyway, I hope this gives you a general idea on when I will upload. This is just a trial schedule to see if it works for me. I will probably try it out for a month or 2 and then decide if this schedule is working for me.

This Schedule will start next week


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