08 January 2015

Back to School - Pre-Period Kit

So it's a new school year and you haven't had your period yet. You should probably consider making a school kit especially if you are older than 12 or 13 and have all the signs of puberty apart from you period. I would recommend for girls of any age above 8 or 9 to carry at least 2 pads in their bag just in case but if you are getting older you may want to make a more complex kit. Although your period kit can be as simple as 2 pads or as complex as you want. Here is some help for any of you who haven't had you period and want to make a kit. I will also make a post for period kits for girls who have had their periods.

So... let me get started before I get carried away by talking about other stuff.

For pads I would recommend a minimum of 2 pads. You could carry 1 but it would be better to carry 2 just in case you get it earlier in the day. I would also recommend having an extra pad incase a friend needs one. You may also want to carry a variety of different absorbencies but what you think is heavy may not actually be heavy or whatever but I would say it is better to carry heavy absorbency pads so that they last you a bit longer.

+ 2-4 Pads, I would suggest regular absorbency pads
+ 1 spare pad in case a friend needs one (Optional)
+ 1-2 Pads of a heavy absorbency (Optional)

For Tampons I would suggest you bring at least 1 but it is completely optional because maybe you aren't allowed to use them or don't want to. I say to pack one though just in case you have to go swimming or something. If you do make sure to get the lowest absorbency you can find.

+1-2 Light/Mini Tampons (Optional)

All of these extras are optional so are just ideas that may help you

+ Libra Get Fresh Wipes or other wipes safe for use down there (Optional)
+ Sanitary Bags (Optional)
+ Spare pair of underwear (Optional)
+ Zip Lock Bag (Optional)
+ Small Hand Sanitizer (Optional)
+ Pain Medication (optional)
+ Tampon Instructions (Optional)
+ Small mirror (Optional) (for if you need help finding where to insert your tampon or to check make up or whatever)

Now you just have to pick what you want in your kit and find a cute little cosmetic bag to put it in.



  1. You really helped me I can't wait to use the other kit

  2. Thank you! This really helped💕
