05 January 2015

Back to School - Boyfriends

If you were on LibraGirl near the beginning of October last year you may have seen my post about boyfriends. I think it included some important messages so here is what I posted.

Hi it's KiwiGirlHelp here. I am 14 and have never had a boyfriend. Since I first joined libragirl I've seen plenty of girls say stuff like "I'm 13 and I've never had a boyfriend" and "I'm 12 and have never been kissed". Why does everyone seem to want a boyfriend? Sure, I kinda want a boyfriend but I'm not desperate or worried. I think that girls should just wait until the right boy comes along at the right time. Instead of being desperate and worrying about looking perfect whenever you are around boys why not just be yourself and find a boy who likes you for who you are. If you act fake and you get asked out, imagine what the guy would think when you start acting like your normal self. He would be confused and might even break up with you because you aren't the person he thought you were. Also, don't fall for a guy because you think he's hot or cute or good looking, find a guy who treats you the right way and doesn't care about your looks. Would you rather go out with a hot guy who treats you horribly and just uses you or a guy who may not be the best looking but has a heart of gold, treats you the best way he could and likes you for you? I know for sure I would pick the guy who likes me for me.  So before you fall for a random hot guy, get to know him and find out if he likes you for you and treats you nicely. There is more to worry about then getting a boyfriend at this age. School, Friends, Family and making the most of your years before adulthood.  Now I'm not completely against relationships at this age but make sure it is real and not a fake forced relationship, make sure that you both like each other for who they are as a person and not just looks, because personality is more important than looks.

So yeah, that is my opinion on boyfriends. I posted that on LibraGirl in October 2014 and I am writing this post on December 13th and scheduling it for January so I'm not rushing through my back to school series. So therefore some of this may change because I am hoping to ask the guy I like out especially if our group of friends organizes something I can go to and see him. But I probably won't be able to ask him out until I go back to school so the fact I don't have a boyfriend will probably be the same but I will let you know what happens when I do ask. 

Having a boyfriend shouldn't define you as a person. Not having a boyfriend doesn't make you less of a person. My friend at the start of last year when she was 12 and I was 13, she was really surprised when I told her I had never had a boyfriend. There isn't an age which means you have to have had a boyfriend. You can wait as long as you want. Don't let not having a boyfriend annoy you because you aren't the only one. Your age doesn't matter. Don't have a bunch of relationships with people you don't even like just so you can say you have a boyfriend. It won't make you feel as great as if you wait until you find the right person who you like for who they are and they like you for who you are. 



  1. Hi KiwiGirlHelp,
    I love your blog. You have inspired me to make my own! Check it out its: A Bunch of Lilies.

    1. It feels amazing to know I've inspired someone. I will definitely check it out! Also, if you didn't know I also have a youtube channel!

    2. Yes I have is saw many cool vids on your channel. By the way, im on LibraGirl thats how i found out about you Im gmorton. By the way is there anyway of contacting u. (Im not a creepy stalker lol) but some way that we talk to each other personally? That would be great

    3. I have a post on here with all the ways you can contact me such as kik, email, instagram etc.
