01 January 2015


I can't believe that 2015 is already here. It's a fresh year and I am here to share some goals for my channel for the new year. Last year went so fast and was a great year for me especially at school although every year is a good school year for me but I am really happy with my achievements from last year so hopefully this year will be a great year too. Hopefully 2015 will be a great year when it comes to my YouTube channel.

My first goal for my YouTube channel this year is to get into a schedule for filming and uploading because I have never really had one and would like to start so you can kind of know when my videos will be up and I think this will also help with my time management skills.

I also hope to finally get to 100 subscribers, My original goal when I first started my channel was to get 50 subs by my birthday which was in June and 100 by my one year anniversary. So let's see if you can get me to 100 subs this year. It would mean so much to me!

I would also like to try and improve my video quality this year by speaking louder which will happen if I am home alone more often but now that I am getting older hopefully that won't be an issue.

Extend my knowledge. I would like to extend my knowledge even further this year by hopefully asking my mum if I can get a menstrual cup or 2 and also maybe some cloth pads by actual sellers and not just my handmade ones that she doesn't know about. I would like to be able to help you if you want to use cloth and cups as well as if you use disposables so that way I can help even more girls.

Another thing I would like to do this year is organise a giveaway to show how thankful I am for all of my amazing subscribers! You all rock! If I was to do a giveaway, I am thinking of doing a small cloth pad set but it is more likely to be pantyliners if I want to do a giveaway with my homemade cloth pads and pantyliners.

More personal videos. By this I mean videos where you can get to know about me and my hobbies/interests. These include videos such as my song covers and craft tutorials. I may also think about doing some tag videos and stuff.

That is all my goals for this new year


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