18 January 2015

Back to School - Tips for waking up Early

Hi Girls, Back to School is coming quickly in NZ and so here is another Back to School themed Post for you. It is going to be tips for waking up earlier. Hope these tips and tricks will help you so let's get started...

Now, I have always been an early riser waking up between 6 and 7 every morning pretty much without fail. If I wake up anytime after 5:30am I'm pretty much awake for the day. I also sometimes wake up after 7 but only ever if I am really tired. So I have never tried any of these tips before because I don't have to use them because I have no troubles waking up in the morning. I do however have an alarm set for 6:20am just so I have 40 minutes to read or do what I want in the mornings, although I usually wake up before my alarm.

Tip #1 - Set multiple alarms
Instead of setting 1 alarm for a set time, set 1 about 10 minutes before you have to get up and then set alarms for every 1 or 2 minutes after that. Set these for around 10 or so minutes and hopefully you will wake up. You could set them even earlier if you wanted 15-20 minutes before the time you have to get up so that you can have some spare time to do what you want.

Tip #2 - Put your alarm in a different place
Try putting your alarm whether it be a phone, ipod or whatever on the other side of the room. This means that you have to get up to stop it, using this along with my first tip may be useful because you will have to keep getting up every minute or 2 to turn off your alarm.

Tip #3 - Needing to Pee
If you have a weak bladder I would not suggest using this tip. If you go to bed needing to pee then when you wake up you will have to go to the toilet as quickly as you can. As I said, don't do this if you have a weak bladder.

Tip # 4 - Faux Sleep In
Try setting your alarm half an hour to 1 hour earlier than usual and when it goes off wake up and stop it and then go back to sleep and wake up when your other alarm goes off so it kind of feels like you have had a sleep in when you haven't.

Tip #5 - Using Family 
Why not get your family to help? Get them to come and wake you up at the time you need to wake up?

Tip #6 - Go to bed earlier
Try going to bed a bit earlier or don't go on your device right before you go to bed.

Tip #7 - Adjust your sleep cycle
The typical human sleep cycle is 90 minutes so why not try sleeping for either 7 1/2 hours or 9 hours so that you will wake up feeling more refreshed.

I hope that at least 1 of these tips will help you out if not all.

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