16 January 2015

Back to School - Starting High School

So, this year is going to be your first year at High School and you are really nervous? Well fear not, because I am here to share some tips.

I started High School last year and thought that I would give some advice to those of you starting High School this year. Some of the advice may only be useful for NZ High Schools but I'm hoping that it will be ok for any High Schools all over the world.

High School may seem scary at first but it really isn't. If the High School you are going to is anything like mine you will have no problems making new friends and finding a group of people to spend lunches with.

I remember my first day last year and I didn't know we had to carry our bags around with us all day, so make sure you know that if your High School is going to be the same. I would suggest putting as little as you can get away with in your bag because carrying around a heavy backpack is definitely not my favourite part of the day. I would suggest only carrying around what you need instead of carrying around stuff you don't need. I would suggest getting a locker if you can (not that I use mine much, but it does come in handy sometimes) because it's a good way to carry any extra books you have that you may need later on in the year. It's also good to store extra pens, pencils and other stationary for when all of your pens and pencils seem to disappear (who doesn't deal with this on a yearly basis).

Another piece of advice I have is to know what subjects you have each day and to organize your bag the night before so that your bag is ready to grab and go in the morning. This saves time in the morning allowing you to have some spare time before you head off to school. Only pack the books you need and don't forget any homework or extra stuff you have to bring as well.

On your first day you probably won't need much so I suggest bringing your pencil case and a refill as your stationary because that is probably all you will need on the first day unless the school has said what other stuff you will need. Over the first few days you will find out what books you need for your subjects and then you can start to bring them.

Being Friendly is really important over the first few days as is getting along with everyone. If you are worried about not making any friends, don't worry because everyone else is probably worried about that too. You will soon find friends in your classes. I found making friends in my class last year really easy. Take advantage of group activities over the first few days especially in subjects such as PE because that way you can work with new people and find out who has similar interests and who are nice people you would be happy to be friends with. If you are nice to everyone I'm sure you will make a bunch of new friends. Of course it really helps if your class is like mine and pretty much everyone all gets along.

My High School has a lot of bake sales so I would suggest always having a little bit of money on you so that you can help out by buying something at the School fundraising bake sales. It's also good to carry around a bit of money anyway just in case you forget your bus card, there's no money on your bus card, you forgot your lunch or anything else that may require a couple of dollars.

Get your teachers to like you, be a good student who listens and does what the teacher asks so that your teachers will like you. If your teachers like you, you will probably find classes more enjoyable because you aren't getting told off and stuff like that. Getting your teachers to like you will also mean they will put good comments on your reports and that the school will know you are a good student. Hey and be sure to make a good first impression.

Being helpful is also important on the first day, help others out if they don't have a pen, pencil or maybe a piece of paper. If they look lost you could help them find their classes and just be helpful in general.

Wear your uniform correctly. if you have one. Make sure you are following the rules around the uniform or dress code. It's not a good idea to break the rules on the first day is it? If you don't have the right colour sandals or whatever, just get your parents to write you a note and sign it so that you don't get in trouble.

Always bring period supplies, majority of girls at High School have had their periods so bringing supplies with you all the time is a good idea because you never know when you or someone else might need a pad or tampon. If you have swimming as part of your PE program I would suggest keeping at least 2 tampons in a kit so that you have 1 for yourself and 1 for someone else if they need one and don't feel comfortable asking the PE teacher or another female student.

Complete all of your work to the best of your ability. Try your hardest in all of your subjects even if you don't like the subject. I don't like science but I still try my hardest and actually do quite well in science.

Set goals. Set goals for your subjects especially if you get points for assessments and stuff. You could set goals such as "to get at least 8/10 points on my Science Test" or "to get at least 90% on my maths test". Setting goals will hopefully help you to strive for excellence and you could even reward yourself if you accomplish your goals. Other goals could be "to be Head Girl" but don't think it will just happen. You have to work hard to achieve your goals so keep trying and do the best work you can.

I could go on and on but let's not make it too long. So I hope these tips help you out for when you start High School. More B2S (Back to School) videos and posts coming soon. I hope...


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