...and 2014 is coming to an end
2014 has been a great year for me just like 2013 and I really want 2015 to be just as great. I have friends from last year finally coming to High School with me and I think that 2015 will be kind of like 2013 but with 2 or 3 people missing from our strong group of 6.
With 2014 coming to an end we should make the most of the last days. Make 2014 a great year!
If 2014 was a bad year for you, just remember that 2015 is almost here and that it can be a fresh start for you especially if you are just starting Intermediate/Middle School or High School. There will be opportunities to meet new people and new friends. Join some new clubs or activities because you might find some new friends through those groups. If it was a really bad year and your not sure if you can make 2015 a good year, I am happy to help, you can contact me and I will be willing to give you some help.
If any of you are nervous for High School or Intermediate, I'm just going to tell you something.
Don't be scared, it really isn't as scary as it seems. I think some people make it seem scarier than it actually is but it is nothing to be worried about. I don't know how different NZ high schools are from high schools around the rest of the world but I'll assume they aren't too different.