28 December 2014

The last days of 2014

2015 is less than a week away...
...and 2014 is coming to an end

2014 has been a great year for me just like 2013 and I really want 2015 to be just as great. I have friends from last year finally coming to High School with me and I think that 2015 will be kind of like 2013 but with 2 or 3 people missing from our strong group of 6. 
With 2014 coming to an end we should make the most of the last days. Make 2014 a great year!

If 2014 was a bad year for you, just remember that 2015 is almost here and that it can be a fresh start for you especially if you are just starting Intermediate/Middle School or High School. There will be opportunities to meet new people and new friends. Join some new clubs or activities because you might find some new friends through those groups. If it was a really bad year and your not sure if you can make 2015 a good year, I am happy to help, you can contact me and I will be willing to give you some help. 

If any of you are nervous for High School or Intermediate, I'm just going to tell you something.
Don't be scared, it really isn't as scary as it seems. I think some people make it seem scarier than it actually is but it is nothing to be worried about. I don't know how different NZ high schools are from high schools around the rest of the world but I'll assume they aren't too different.

27 December 2014


I got a new phone for Christmas so that means I was able to put my personal kik on my new phone and make a channel kik for on my old phone so that is exactly what I've done. So I made a channel kik!!! I really hope that you girls will also message me and I'm hoping that maybe I will get more requests because of it. I decided to leave a list of ways to contact me below.

Blog - kiwigirlhelp.blogspot.com
Email - kiwigirlhelp@gmail.com
Instagram - KiwiGirlHelp
Kik - kiwigirlhelp
LibraGirl - KiwiGirlHelp
Youtube - KiwiGirlHelp

If you message me on kik just say Hi and we can talk.

25 December 2014

Merry Christmas

This year has gone so quickly and it's already Christmas!
I wish you all a safe and happy Christmas, I'm sorry I couldn't do a giveaway for Christmas but I might try and do one for next year for back to school. Let me know how your Christmas goes and I may even think about doing a haul video.


24 December 2014

A quick Christmas Eve message

I hope you all have a safe and happy Christmas or whatever you celebrate or if you don't celebrate Christmas or anything else then have a great day.

Just remember that you may not always get what you want but that isn't the point. Make sure you have a great day spending time with your family and just enjoy the day. It is better to give than to receive so why not give someone something special this Christmas to share the Christmas love.

I am thinking about doing a Christmas haul so I hope you enjoy that. Some other videos I am thinking about making are a Christmas Eve Night Routine, A Christmas Morning Routine and maybe a Christmas Day vlog so I hope that you will enjoy those if I do get around to making them. Would you girls like to see another channel for more personal stuff or are you ok with these sorts of videos on my usual channel.

One thing that you can hope to see after Christmas is a channel kik because I had to do a bit or Christmas shopping with my dad today and I had to pick out a new phone for part of my Christmas present so hopefully I will be able to create a kik for my youtube channel on my soon to be old phone.

Merry Christmas to you all and I hope you had a fabulous year.


23 December 2014

1 Year on Youtube!!!

Exactly 1 year from the time this post was posted, I uploaded my first video on my channel. Sure it may have only been a channel introduction but it was still the first video I ever uploaded. I cant' believe how quickly the time has gone. I know my uploading wasn't always consistent and I didn't upload for like 3 months earlier this year but I'm glad I am still here uploading videos on this channel. It feels great knowing that I am helping others through my channel.

Some Highlights from the last year

I know 50 subscribers may not seem like a lot if you have a bigger subscriber family or don't have a channel at all but when I reached 50 subscribers in September I was really happy. I reached 25 subs within a month of starting my channel so I was kinda expecting to reach 57 a bit sooner then I did but it doesn't matter because at least I know that I am helping a bunch of girls from all over the world

Warm Fuzzies
You may remember the original song I wrote for Claudia from Periods Puberty. Well whilst reading the blog post she posted where she mentioned me, I was trying to hold back tears of happiness because of all the warm fuzzies inside. I felt so amazing knowing that I had helped her and yeah. It just makes you feel so great inside.

Editing Skills
This whole experience has helped me with editing and I also have discovered that I quite like filming and editing videos and stuff.

What can you expect for my second year?
Well I am hoping to organise a filming and uploading schedule so that should hopefully be one of the first things you can expect to see for my second year on youtube. I am also hoping to plan a giveaway for this next year but am waiting until I have enough NZ and maybe some Aussie subscribers if I do an NZ and Aussie giveaway although it'll probably just be NZ. I am also hoping to ask my mum about AMPs (Alternative Menstrual Products) but don't count on it because I am not that close to my mum but if my mum ever mentions periods I am going to hopefully try and bring up the subject of AMPs. More frequent videos and maybe some videos with one of my friends because she is open about periods and stuff but I am still deciding whether or not to tell her about my channel.

Let's make this next year the best we can! Remember to give me feedback/feedfoward (What is good and what could be improved/changed) and request videos!


18 December 2014

Last Minute Christmas Gifts

Christmas is approaching fast and is only a week away. You've forgotten to get someone something and you don't have a lot of money. You're stuck for ideas and don't know what to do. Well here I am, ready to help you. These ideas range in price but I tried to keep it less than $10.

My first idea is...
A sugar scrub, I attempted to make a sugar scrub last year but it didn't turn out well so why don't you try making one for someone special. They are easy to make and don't require much depending on the recipe you use. Just search diy sugar scrub and I'm sure you'll find one. Why don't you make a Christmas themed one and crush up some candy canes to mix through it. Be careful using cocoa powder because it may make your skin go brown like the cocoa but maybe try experimenting and see if you can make one that gives a slight tan that looks natural. For presentation put it in a nice jar and put some patterned paper around the jar and a cute label that says what it is. You could also make a cute tag that has a cute or cheesy message on it like "'tis sweet just like you". (that's not a good one but I'm not good with that sort of thing).

Idea #2
Make a cute scrapbook. This is more of a thing for your friends but I think it would be neat but only have you have a lot of photos of you together.

Idea #3
Hot Chocolate Kit, get a cute mug and your/their favourite hot chocolate. You could also fill the mug with mini marshmallows (This is probably more of a christmas gift idea for my viewers in the northern hemisphere because it's Summer here in the southern hemisphere)

Idea #4
Decorate a frame and put a picture of you and the person it is for in it. You could get a plain white frame and paint it with nail polishes and maybe glue on some gems or glitter and stuff like that.

Idea #5
Decorate a clear or plain white photo case by using nail polishes. Make sure the case is the right one for the phone they have. Make sure to use a clear top coat to seal the polish

Idea #6
Make a cute little book/notebook and on each page write something you love about that person.

Idea #7
Make a cute little basket of homemade treats like slices and shortbread etc.

Idea #8
Make some little coupons which would be a good idea for parents with things like foot massages and chores etc.

Anyway, Thanks,

14 December 2014


I am thinking about doing an advice column type thing either fortnightly or monthly next year so if you have any questions that would be good for an advice column or just any questions you want answers to then send them to me via

- kiwigirlhelp@gmail.com (email)
- kiwigirlhelp (youtube)
- KiwiGirlHelp (libragirl.com)
 or comment on this post.

13 December 2014

The perks of having small boobs

My friend who is a 12D (I'm a 10B) is jealous of the fact I have small boobs and told me some of the reasons why so I decided to make a post sharing the perks of having small boobs.
It seems that girls always want what they don't have. Girls with small boobs usually want bigger boobs and girls who have big boobs usually want smaller boobs but we have to learn to accept what we have. Since I have small boobs I can't exactly do a perks of having big boobs post because I haven't experienced it but here is a post to hopefully help you smaller chested girls to accept who you are and what you look like.

Perk #1
-It isn't as uncomfortable to sleep on your stomach.
Compared to bigger chested girls it isn't as uncomfortable to sleep on your stomach, although it can get uncomfortable after long periods of time it isn't as bad.

Perk #2
-You can get away without wearing a bra more than bigger breasted girls. While you may feel more comfortable wearing a bra, you can get away without wearing a bra. You can also get away with wearing training bras and other bras without under wire because you don't need as much support.

Perk #3
-They don't hurt as much especially if they aren't tender at the time or still growing.

That is just 3 perks of having small boobs, I do have more so I might do a part 2 in a month or so.
I hope you enjoyed, if you have bigger boobs be sure to let me know the perks of having big boobs.


12 December 2014


AMPs (Alternative Menstrual Products) may seem like a gross strange thing at first for most but once you allow yourself to accept the concept they may seem like a great idea. I always thought they were an interesting idea that I was keen to try, I remember looking for crafts when I was about 9 or 10 and came across a cloth pad tutorial. I remembered them again near the end of last year when I got my first period and found a whole community of youtubers who talk about periods and other girl stuff. I made some patterns and tried putting water on fabrics to see what seemed absorbent but didn't really go anywhere from there. After finding Preciousstarspads on youtube sometime this year (not sure when exactly) that I seriously started thinking about it. I started sewing some of my own cloth pads in about August or so. I have since found more youtubers that make videos on cloth pads such as Period Attire and the first door on the left.

AMPs aren't gross and from the cloth liners I've made and tried I can tell you that you should consider trying them because they are really comfortable. If you have any questions about AMPs you could ask Preciousstarspads or any other youtuber who makes videos about cloth pads. I will try to get some reviews up soon but would like to try them for a second month before reviewing. My period is due on around the 17th so hopefully there will be some reviews soon.
