21 July 2014

The Crushin' on ______ Tag

So, I wanted to create my own tag that kind of fits in with my channel so since I had a boys theme/topic a while ago I thought that this would nicely in with my channel so let's get started. I will hopefully make a video soon but for now it's just the questions and answers. I will also include the full list of Questions at the end. This is a tag with 18 questions and I tag all of you. If you do this tag share your video or just answer the questions in the comment section. It would mean so much to me. Thanks!

First Crush Section
1. How old were you when you had your first crush? I was really young, I think I would been around 6 or 7 but it wasn't a serious crush just a little kid one, My first what I would call actual crush was when I was 11.
2. Did your first crush know you liked him? My first actual crush (11) found out I liked him about 4 or so months after I started crushing on him.
3. If yes; How did they find out? He found out because I kept asking to dance with him at our school dance so I thought I would just admit it.
4. Did they like you back? No, he didn't like me back but we were kind of friends so it was all good.
5. Do you still know the person? He goes to a different school but we sometimes keep in touch via email so yeah.

Random Section
1. How many crushes have you had? I have had 5 actual crushes since I was 11 (I am now 14)
2. How many of those crushes have ever liked you back? None, well, at least I'm pretty sure none of them have ever liked me back.
3. Looking back, where any of them horrible to you? Yeah, the boy I liked last year hated me and he was really nasty at times but I got over him pretty soon.
4. Do you wish that you never liked any of them? Yeah, I wish I didn't like the boy I liked last year.
5. Did any of your crushes ever turn into anything more than a crush? No but I don't really mind, it just means I haven't found the right boy yet.
6. If you have had multiple crushes why did you stop liking the previous boys? Well, most of them ended up going to a different school or I kind of just grew apart from them.
7. What traits do you look for in a boy? A kind personality and someone that can make me laugh. Someone that brings out the best in me and makes me smile.

Current Crush
1. Does your current crush know that you like him? No, I haven't told anyone who I currently like so I'm pretty sure he has no idea.
2. Do you know if he likes you back? No, I don't know... yet. I am on the lookout for signs and hopefully when I tell my bestie she will be able to help out too.
3. Are you friends? Yes we are friends... I guess. I mean he is in one of my groups of friends but I think we could be a bit closer than we currently are.
4. What do you like about them? He is really nice, and he makes me laugh/smile. He also has some similar interests to me so I think we get along quite well together.
5. How did you meet them? He's in my class at school and I kinda of just met him I guess. ?
6. Best Moment with your current crush? Well, he was away for the first couple of lessons in one of our optional classes so I got to help him with the stuff we had learnt while he was away which meant I got to sit next to him and I will probably end up sitting next to him most times in that class since he is a bit behind and I like to help people as you girls know.

The Questions
First Crush Section
1. How old were you when you had your first crush?
2. Did your first crush know you liked him?
3. If yes; How did they find out?
4. Did they like you back?
5. Do you still know the person?
Random Section
1. How many crushes have you had?
2. How many of those crushes have ever liked you back?
3. Looking back, where any of them horrible to you?
4. Do you wish that you never liked any of them?
5. Did any of your crushes ever turn into anything more than a crush?
6. If you have had multiple crushes why did you stop liking the previous boys?
7. What traits do you look for in a boy?
Current Crush Section
1. Does your current crush know that you like him?
2. Do you know if he likes you back?
3. Are you friends?
4. What do you like about them?
5. How did you meet them?
6. Best Moment with your current crush?

11 July 2014

#HolidayBoredomBusters - 3

I now have another Boredom Busting activities for you to do these holidays.

Idea #10 - Movie Marathon

Now this is probably my best idea as I have a lot of ideas for this idea and today I am sharing one of my theme ideas with you to really jazz up your amazing movie marathon.

The first theme idea is fabulous if the weather where you live these Chilly winter school holidays isn't so chilly and you don't see snow often because this theme will totally transform your lounge into a Winter Wonderland.

1. Don't forget to invite your friends with some super cute snowflake invitations. I will hopefully get a tutorial up shortly after this is posted so that way you can see how I made mine. I think that wearing pajamas would totally add to the winter wonderland theme.

2. Decorate! I am planning on doing another post on Redecorating your room for a not so Snowy New Zealand Winter so keep an eye out on that for decoration ideas.

3. Catering! Don't forget the cute foods. The possibilities for food are endless and all you need is a great imagination.
My catering ideas are
- If the weather is cold outside go with Hot Chocolates to drink (you could even make some fancy hot chocolate stir stick things, I came across them the other day on google and they look cute so why not try making some)
- If the weather outside is hot then make Iced Chocolates instead of Hot chocolates to help keep you cool on the hot day.
- Snowmen Cupcakes (Regular Cupcakes, iced with white icing, sprinkled with coconut and then use marshmallows and any other things you can find to make cute little snowmen to sit on top of the cakes)
- Make cake pops dunked in white chocolate and coconut to resemble snowballs
- You could also try making some snowflake shaped biscuits or snowflake shaped anything.
- What about? Penguin shaped foods! Penguin shaped biscuits or anything penguin shaped.
- What other shapes could you use? You could make snowy owls or tree shaped biscuits or something and use icing sugar to dust on the tops to look like snow.

4. Movies! Find a bunch of wintery movies. I would suggest Frozen and Cloud 9 but you could totally watch any movies you wish.

Hope these ideas help you to host a Winter Wonderland themed movie marathon.


09 July 2014

#HolidayBoredomBusters - 2

I hope you liked my last Boredom Busters and now I'm coming back with some more and I hope you like these ones just as much.

Idea # 5 - Have a Fun Competition with Friends
Spend a morning or afternoon with your friends having a bit of friendly competition. Why not try a Bake Off, a Cook Off, a Loom Off, a Craft off or any other kind of competition. Have your parents and/or siblings judge the creations. It could be judged on a bunch of things, such as best tasting, best looking, who can make the most _______ in ____ minutes. The sky's the limit, just see what you can come up with. You could also have a small prize to add some extra enthusiasm between you and your friends. 

Idea #6 - Go Shopping with Friends
Here's a simple activity to cure boredom. Just Go Shopping with your Friends. Something fun to do is to go into your fave store and try on whatever you like and overall just have fun. 

Idea # 7 - Youtube-a-thon
Another Super Simple idea for a cold winters day. Snuggle up inside with blankets and cushions and just watch Youtube videos from your fave Youtubers!

Idea #8 -Try out a new Hobby
Trying a new hobby may be a great idea to keep you busy in the Holidays, if you haven't already discovered Looming (Rainbow Loom etc.) I would suggest you give it a try. I got mine for my 14th Birthday which was like 3 weeks ago and it didn't take very long to pick up skills to make some more challenging bracelets and charms. It is really fun and can be cheap if you get one of the cheaper looms and you can also buy the bands for quite cheap too! You could also try to learn an instrument, learn to sew or knit, test your skills in the kitchen or just try something completely random that you have never done before.

Idea #9 - Try out some Science Experiment
If you like science then why don't you try some science experiments
I found this site if you are looking for some simple science experiments to do these school holidays.

I hope you like these ideas too : )


08 July 2014


So, if you're anything like me you probably get extremely bored during the school holidays even if it is only for 2 weeks. Yes I know that is a short time but it gets so boring sometimes so I'm going to share some Holiday Boredom Busters with you. I am hoping to do several posts (maybe even one for each day) sharing some of my favourite ideas to keep yourselves busy these school holidays.

Idea #1 - Start a Youtube Channel
Starting a Youtube Channel could be a great idea to keep you occupied during these holidays. Depending on what sort of channel you are interested in making will affect what you do but just remember Quality before Quantity. If you want you could invite friends over and film some fun tags or whatever. Just remember that it is a good idea to ask your parents first especially if you are planning on showing your face. If you think you will be too busy some times to make a youtube channel why not try making a blog on blogger. I recommend using blogger because I know for sure you can schedule when your posts go up so that way you can type up several posts when you have some free time and then set times for them to be posted (great if you get quite busy sometimes).

Idea #2 - Create a Holiday Look Book
If you are into fashion or beauty, why not create a holiday look book by taking pictures of what you wear each day. This would also be neat if you did it over the whole year. You could then put it into a scrapbook. This could be really handy on those days when you are unsure on what to wear. You may even notice some patterns in what you wear. Maybe you always wear a certain top with the same pants and accessories and you could then see what other items it may go with. Also, if you plan on doing it for a long period of time such as a year, then why not take a picture of each of your clothing items to put on the first pages. You could organize them however you want, but putting all of your clothing items next to each other may just help you discover some new ways to wear certain items or even several new outfits.
I think I just gave myself an idea, I might try this... one day.

Idea #3 - Create a Holiday Vlog
Why don't you have a go at vlogging these holidays to remember all the fun things you did. It would be great fun to look back on with friends in the future to see what you had fun doing when you were younger.

Idea #4 - Create a short film or movie
Invite your friends over for some fun today. Create unique characters for each of you and help write a script and put your acting, filming and editing skills together to create a short film or movie. Or why not write the script by your self and treat it like an audition, your friends can pick their favourite characters (try and make ones that help your friends individual talents that way you know their is a character that will appeal to each of your friends and will help avoid fights and arguments about who gets what role) and audition, this will hopefully help build confidence in some of your shyer friends. One way to get around this is to get your friends to create a role for themselves and then you can all audition for the role you created.
- Also, you could invite you friends over for a sleepover and have them first come over at 10-11am or so, that way you can spend a lot of the day writing a script and filming. Then, after dinner you could watch your short film while sharing popcorn and having a laugh. Including a bloopers section would also be cool! Don't forget to share the film with friends some how that way you can all have your own copy to keep.

I decided to share these 4 activities today because they could take up most of the holidays if you do a little bit a day. I am going to share the bigger activities first over the next couple of days that way you can have more time to organize them if you choose to do them.


P.S. Watch out for more #HolidayBoredomBusters coming soon...

Hi Girls! Apology and Channel Ideas!

Long time, no see...

I'm sorry that I haven't posted in a while both on Youtube and on here but I have been quite busy with school since I had tests I had to study for and I didn't have much time to film, edit and post but now that the holidays have arrived I will hopefully be able to post some stuff. I will hopefully be able to write a whole bunch of posts for this blog and then schedule them so that if I don't get time to post there will still be posts for you to read and so that you can still get some advice you may need.

Now that the apology is over let's get into the Channel Ideas!
Since the name KiwiGirlHelp isn't really limited to 1 topic I am thinking of adding some new kinds of videos and posts that could also help you girls out.
So currently I am doing Period and Puberty and I have done a little bit of beauty but some other ideas I had were
- Looming Tutorials (I designed a cute bra charm so maybe I could show you how to make that to connect all of us together, like a friendship charm)
- Cooking/Baking Ideas and Videos (I've always liked cooking and baking but lately I've been interested in trying new ideas for breakfast and snacks and stuff like that so maybe I could include the occasional baking/cooking video which could also help some of you too)

If you have any other ideas or like the ideas I've come up with, please let me know and I will see what I can do.
