30 May 2014

Kiwigirlhelp Weekly #1

Well, I thought I could do a weekly or monthly thing of some sort so this is the first one...

I thought that Confidence in sharing your musical talents would be a good start since I love singing and I play a few instruments.

I know that it takes a lot of confidence to be able to get up and show others your musical talents such as playing an instrument or singing. I never used to be confident when it came to singing in front of others but now I love singing and it doesn't bother me anymore if people hear me singing. I always used to stop singing if someone caught me but not anymore, now, I sing a lot. It seems as though I never go a day without singing at least once.

Some tips I have to anyone who is nervous about sharing their musical talents but really wants to get their talent out there.

  • Find a friend you trust and perform for them, they will be very supportive and will help you out if they think your talent can get you somewhere and will definitely help you follow your dreams.
  • If you have a family member or friend who also has the same musical talent as you, you could ask them for some advice.
  • Ask yourself Why you are nervous when it comes to sharing your talent? Is it because you are afraid others won't like it? Or are you afraid that you will forget the lyrics or play the wrong note? Well, just remember that not everyone likes every single voice or instrument they hear and that everyone makes a mistake every now and then.
  • Try singing in front of a larger audience because I personally think that it's easier to sing in front of a larger group than it is to sing in front of a small group because it feels as though you won't get criticized as much and that is because there is a larger amount of people which means that there isn't really time for face to face criticizing.
  • Allow people to give you suggestions and feedback so that you know what you need to work on and what's already working for you.
  • If you have lessons for your talent then I would suggest you talk to your teacher and see what they think about you when you are doing the talent, Compliments from people trained in that area will definitely help you build confidence.
  •  Don't worry! If your friends, family and music teachers say you are good at it, chances are you are so just take a risk and audition for the talent quest and even if you don't get in you could talk to the person holding auditions and ask why you didn't get in.
If your school talent show is coming up but you are too shy or nervous to put your name down on the sign up sheet. I, myself has gone through the nerves in putting my name down for a talent quest. Even though it sends shivers down your spine, you want to get your talent out there. But to get your talent out there you have to overcome those nerves and become confident. That year I did put my name down and went through the audition process but I didn't make it through. The year after I got to perform at an assembly and it has built my confidence knowing that people like my singing and that they think I'm good. Sometimes all it takes is someone such as a teacher to tell you that you are good at your talent.
If you are planning on possibly putting your name don't leave it too late. Put it down as soon as you know what you are probably going to be doing because otherwise you may miss out on the opportunity.
If you are nervous on what others might think just remember that you may never be discovered if you never put your name down or show others what you can do. Sometimes it's easier to perform in front of a big crowd than it is to sing in front of a couple of people. I think this because if you sing in front of 1 or 2 people it makes you feel as though you are getting judged on the spot but in front of a big crowd they can't really criticize you right there. Just remember that not everyone is going to like what you do.  

Sorry if these tips don't help, but I kind of just grew out of my stage fright (i think that's what you would call it I guess), I basically just became a more confident person as I got older and I'm not afraid to be heard.
Also, sorry for not making a lot of videos, I'm quite busy with school but it's easy to do blog posts since I can write heaps at once and schedule them so they pop up on different days.


27 May 2014

Friendship Problems and Answers - 2

Do you feel as though your friends aren't there for you as much as they used to be? Are they ignoring you? Leaving you out? Talking about you behind your back? Or overall just not being the friends they used to be?
Well if you need help with friends then hopefully this post will be able to give you some ideas.

There are always going to be ups and downs in friendships,sometimes your stuck in the middle or sometimes you did something wrong but you don't know what it is. You just need to communicate with them and find out what the problem is. This series on friendship problems will hopefully help some of you out in your current situations.

One day you and your friends are all happy and then the next day someone in the groups being nasty...
Well, this could be for a number of reasons. If this continues in a pattern then I would suggest maybe talking to the person and asking why they are being all nasty to the rest of the group. If it is only like that every once and a while it could be mood swings or maybe they are just having a bad day and everyone has a bad day once and a while but maybe just ask them what's wrong and support them if having a bad day is the reason. If it's one person in the group that's always being mean maybe talk to the other friends in the group and see what they think, maybe they know the reason but it could be personal to the person but if they say there is a reason just try and support them and be nice. Maybe the person being mean doesn't fit in with the group anymore and is trying to get out of the group. Whatever the reason, talk to them and find out why they have been acting the way the have and then you can work around it and try to fix it.

If you are having friendship problems, comment or email me (kiwigirlhelp@gmail.com) and I will try to answer your problem or question on here so that others with similar problems can recieve help as well.


13 May 2014

Friendship Problems and Answers - 1

Do you feel as though your friends aren't there for you as much as they used to be? Are they ignoring you? Leaving you out? Talking about you behind your back? Or overall just not being the friends they used to be?
Well if you need help with friends then hopefully this post will be able to give you some ideas.

There are always going to be ups and downs in friendships,sometimes your stuck in the middle or sometimes you did something wrong but you don't know what it is. You just need to communicate with them and find out what the problem is. This series on friendship problems will hopefully help some of you out in your current situations.

If your friends are ignoring you or leaving you out because you did something wrong but you don't know what it was...
I would suggest trying to talk to them. If they don't want to talk to you just tell them that you want to sort things out or find out what the problem is. If they aren't willing to listen to you, maybe just leave them alone for a little while and try talking to them again in a week or 2. For the meantime just find some other friends to be with. If they still don't want to talk to you just stick with some other friends you've found. If the ones ignoring you are your true friends they will probably listen to you but if they don't then that's their problem, they may have just lost a good friend. If they come crawling back to you a month or 2 or maybe even a year later, you can either stick with you new friends or your old friends but don't forget that your old friends may repeat what happens, maybe you could get both your new friends and old friends to all be friends and have a bigger group, chances are that not many people will get left out because there will probably always be someone to talk to. Things will probably work out in the end either way.

If you're stuck in the middle...
I would suggest talking to both of them individually and finding out what both of them have to say. If you can get both of them to apologize to each other you may solve your problem. If they are saying something that the other person is denying, it may be a bigger problem but you could get them to maybe forget about it and say that they are friends and should forgive each other. You could also organize a girls night with both of them and maybe some other friends too to help calm them down if there is any drama between them. Hopefully spending a night together with both of them will make them realize you aren't taking sides.
If things aren't working find a new group of friends because taking sides with one of them isn't going to help so maybe just find some new friends if things still aren't working out.

If this post doesn't help you or you want help with a different situation you can comment or email me (kiwigirlhelp@gmail.com) and I will try to answer your friendship problems.


11 May 2014

Camp Period Kit

Hi Girls, this is a requested post.
Before I start I would like to say one thing, the girl didn't say how long the camp was or anything and she said that she has just gotten her first period so I am just doing some guidelines about what to take.\
Overnight Pads
-So some guidelines for Overnight Pads
-Take 1 for each night you will be at the camp and then add 1 or 2 extras just in case a friend needs one or you have an unexpected very heavy flow.
Regular/Super Pads
-Take around 4 regular pads for each day that you will be on the camp and also take a few Super Pads just in case your flow is heavy on a particular day
-Also I would suggest taking a few extra pads just in case someone else needs a pad
-You could also maybe take a pack of Regulars and a pack of Supers if that is easier but just make sure you have around 4 pads for each day
-Take enough liners to last you the camp depending on how many you use each day.
-To work out how many liners you need - how many liners you use each day times how many days the camp is

Optional Items

-Tampons (you said you just got your first so I took them out)
If you do use tampons during the day take the same amount of tampons as I said for pads
If you use both just take around half and half of each.
If you don't use tampons but there are water activities you think you may want to participate in, I would suggest taking a few (3 or 4)

-Sanitary Disposal Bags
These are scented black bags that you can put your used pads, tampons and liners in.
These are really good and discrete if there aren't sanitary bins in the toilets.
I would suggest taking a packet especially if there are going to be long drops.

-Hand Sanitizer
Mini Hand Sanitizers are a great thing to take especially if there are going to be long drops or just a regular bathroom.

-Libra Get Fresh Wipes or any kind of wipes safe for use down there.
These are great if you aren't going to be able to shower. They will also keep you feeling refreshed.

-Spare Underwear
Maybe just take a couple of extra pairs of underwear just in case.

-Libra Hotties Heat Patches
In case you get cramps

Those listed under the optional list are obviously optional but some are great to take especially hand sanitizer.
So collect your supplies and put them in a cute bag all ready to go.

Comment telling me you camp must-haves.

Bye, see you next time
Kiwigirlhelp : )

01 May 2014

Being Dumped or Rejected...

I uploaded a video on being dumped and rejected this morning but didn't think it had many tips so I'm hopefully going to be able to come up with some more tips on here.
You can view the video on my channel KiwiGirlHelp. I would really appreciate it if you subscribed to me too. : )
Anyway so here are some of my tips to you if you have been Dumped or Rejected

  • Take the person out of your life for a little while until you are over them. To help you do this Block them on Social Networks and don't talk/text them and stuff. You can unblock them and talk to them again when you over them but taking them out of your life for a little while just helps you not to think about the person as much.
  • Try not to let it get to you too much just remember that the relationship just wasn't meant to be and it just means that it didn't work out. Also, there are plenty of fish in the sea like there are plenty of people on the earth so I'm sure you will find someone else.
  • Have a day with your friends to help get things off your mind, you could go to the movies, go shopping, have a sleepover/spa day and just do something fun together with all your best buds. If you wanted some ideas for things to do with your friends I would be happy to share some of my ideas with you at a later date.
  • Remain Calm... as I said before it just wasn't meant to be.
  • If you feel confident enough you could ask them why they dumped you. Maybe it was for family reasons, his grandparents could be sick or something bad like that which means he wants to spend less time with you to focus on his family or something or maybe he just felt things weren't working at that time or he just wanted a short break to be with he friends or something. Maybe he doesn't feel like you like him the same as when you were first together. Some of the reasons listed above mean that he just doesn't really have much time to spend with you or he wants to spend more time with his family or anything but you won't know unless you ask. 
  • Focus on more important things such as your Family and Friends, Boys will come and go and so will some friends but your Family and True friends will always be there for you.
  • Finding a new hobby or activity could also help you out.
  • Singing, release your emotions by finding a song that fits your situation and helps you really release those emotions you may be keeping to yourself
  • Remember, it's ok to cry and let it all out but just remember that Boys aren't the most important things in life.
