09 January 2016


Hi everyone, so I know I came back but just recently I've had more important stuff on my mind. More important things that have been stressing me out a little, my best friend wants to commit suicide and so that has been stressing me out because everyone has left the responsible stuff to me. Everyone has left me to contact people about it and try and get her help. Everyone has put that on my shoulders and I'm worried about losing her. I'm thinking that I might make a video on supporting friends with depression because I'm sure that could be helpful for some of you.

I've also really been trying to make the most of my holidays and spend more time with friends so I've been quite busy with my friends. So, not much time to make videos.

I'm hoping to get a video up on Thursday but no guarantees just yet because I know what I'm like. I would like to start a 2015 Back to School series but again no guarantees on that. Another thing I've been thinking about is doing a braces vlog because I get braces early in February.

So yeah, that's just a little update on why I haven't posted. I hope you guys understand and I hope to get back into making videos very soon.


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