19 December 2015

Christmas Wishlist 2015

Hey Guys, so I've decided to share my Christmas Wishlist with you so here we go.

Now, Just before I start I would like to say that I know I won't get everything on this list and that is completely ok, it doesn't bother me, these are just some things that I would quite like to get. Also, this isn't everything as I've excluded the things that can't be bought such as the relationship I would really like.

So yeah, here we go with my Christmas Wishlist for 2015
-A Drink Bottle Blender so that I can make smoothies for my breakfast every morning and just make smoothies whenever.
-Bananas, Almond Milk, Frozen Fruits and Coconut Yoghurt for my blender.
-Small Classic Meluna in Blue Glitter (I know for certain I won't get this due to having not talked to mum about it)
-iPod Touch (probably won't get this, in fact it's very unlikely)
-Pentatonix CD's
-Mint Chocolate anything
-Starbucks Gift card so I don't feel as though I'm wasting my money on Starbucks
-Polaroid Camera or a Camera in general (again, very unlikely)
-Money and/or gift cards are always good
-Frooze Balls! OMG! I love these!
-Be Kind Bars (really want to try these)

and that's all I can really think of. Keep an eye out for the rest of the Christmas posts and videos to come and be sure to check out the past ones.


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