15 November 2014

Small Boobs...

This year I've dealt with both girls in my group of friends and the occasional guy saying I have no boobs or saying stuff like how would you know, you have no boobs. After watching a video by SaphiraFashion yesterday morning (linked above). I know that one of my friends who is like a 12D cup (I'm a 10B, sorry if this is TMI for you) is really jealous of my small boobs because she finds her boobs annoying because they get in the way and all the guys stare. Anyway, the other day my friends were talking about no being able to lie on their stomachs and stuff, so I said "Yeah that is true."
One of them who isn't really my friend then said "What do you know, you have no boobs." I was really annoyed and my friend (the one I mentioned earlier) then walked off with me to the school canteen so she could buy something.

In my class we are all able to contact each other via this messaging thing and I am always willing to talk to pretty much whoever is online so one of the guys in my class messaged me. So I obviously replied because I really do like talking to people so yeah... I honestly don't know how we got to bras and stuff but he said something like "Oh, so and so is always looking at (my friend's boobs)."
I said something like yeah.
He then replied saying something along the lines of "Aren't you glad you don't have any boobs."
This was yesterday evening which was the evening after watching the video so I replied saying, "It's not that I don't have any boobs, it is just that I have smaller boobs than a lot of the girls in our class and I still have to deal with some of the problems such as not being able to lie on my stomach and having wires that occasionally jab into me (in the middle)."
I can't really remember the rest but that is just a small snippet of what he said to me and my replies.

But yeah, majority of girls at the age of 14 wear bras and have boobs. So just because a girl has small boobs it doesn't mean they aren't there. So if you also have small boobs and someone tells you that you have no boobs then Stand up for yourself. Just remember that there are girls out there that wish they had smaller boobs so be happy with what you have and don't let anyone get to you and just overall remember to stand up for yourself. You still have to deal with some of the problems that every other girl with boobs have but it just may not be as bad for you. Also, just remember, if a guy doesn't like you because of your boob size then they aren't right for you. Another thing, if you are with a guy who has expectations to do with your boob size and they don't actually like you for who you are as a person then they also aren't right for you.